22. Both Of Them Are Fine.

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Lucy pov...

"increase the speed that bitch is driving fast. We can't control her car if it gets out of range." I shout at my man who was driving the bike and I was controlling her car from behind.

"ma'am, they have cordoned up the area. They will know"

"it's no time to think that. We have almost finished." because of the night light it was already difficult. Now we have come this reach I ain't letting this chance slip.

"DRIVE FASTER!!" I shout making him flinch and immediately accelerate the speed.


"I can see her car and that damn bike." jungkook exclaims.

I spot them too when I get the signal from Mr. Lee.

"sir the police is there-" he was obviously gonno ask me to stop.

"Mr. Lee please don't ask me not make myself unsafe today. It's jia in there"

"no, taehyung. Go save her. But enter her car from the back side or else she wont be able to handle the sudden weight in a moving a car and you will be unsafe" he says what I wanted to hear but safe is still there.

I just smile. As I see the police. Trying to get control of the bike while it's escaping.

We follow jia's car.

She glances over us. "why did you come. Do you wanna die also?" she screamed at us.

"babes we aren't dying" I say as I unbuckle my belt.

I slowly get up on my seat as jungkook adjust the car window to her back window for me to be able to get in the back seat. I saw a glimpse of the bike being blocked by police cars.

"taehyung, bitch leave. Why are you here." she kept on shouting at me.

More like cursing.

I quickly jump on the back seat making the car stumble but she handled it. I know she is an awesome driver.

"okay jia now calm down!" I say as I sit next to her on the front seat.

"bitch how can I be calm when I have to take care of you now" she kept on screaming.

"let's switch" I say as I put my hand on the wheel, pulling her by waist. I took her seat and she sat on the seat beside me.

The people controlling her car had already escaped because the police were had already caught upto them. So now we just needed to stop the car.

The car was long out of the wifi control as she sped fast and they were not able to cope up. I immediately pull the hand brake, turning the wheel to a side. Making the car run in a circle, leaving tyre marks on the road.

And I immediately bump it on a divider. As the speed of the car makes it go over it and we were in mid air.

Jia had already fallen on me with all the sudden movements. I could see few police cars run to chase after the bike while jungkook pulled the brakes and came out of the car looking at us.

As our car turned upside down, I realised jia had come on me covering me from the front.

The car landed making airbags come out and protect us.

She hugged me tight while shivering.

And the moment we were in air happened so fast yet I felt every second of it. As we land with a loud thud. I could again feel my heart beats and hers along with it.

Suddenly sounds of people running to us erupted. I kicked the door. We were already upside down so I had to come out somehow. While dragging Jia out who wasn't in her mind.

As others help us out. Jia tries to stand but stumbles and falls, I hurried towards her catching her in my arms and she fainted there.

There were already ambulance ready there.

I wasn't scratched a bit. Except the sweat and some blood that too was jia's.

I immediately shook her to wake her but when she didn't I rushed to the ambulance. Jungkook and jimin followed us from behind while the ambulance had me, jia and the paramedic staff.

As we rushed to the hospital. A lot of people had gathered as a huge scene was made.

We reached to the hospital there were already a lot of reporters.

I really wanted to kill them. Their breaking news mattered them more than having a accident patient reach to the doctors.

But Mr. Lee had arrived and made my personal security cordon up making humna barricade and space for Jia to go.

I smiled at his sight. I love this guy. He is the best human I have ever seen. Except Jia ofc.

Jae yi pov...
As we heard the news from all the bts oppa. We rushed to the hospital.

We even got calls from Mrs. Kim that she is coming too,  Along with Mr. Kim who took his private plan from China to reach here.

I, dad and eun woo rushed to the hospital. As we reached there, we saw a lot of reporters. Camping on the gate while being stopped by taehyungs bodyguards. Many powerful people were also COMING. YEAH cha Jia soon to be kim Jia was in there.

We were thinking of ways to go in when someone whispered dad's name.

We all turned. It was the royal chief security.

"sir, this way please." he showed us way to the hospital from a back gate.

The doctors took her in a emergency surgery. It wasn't much she just had a concussion. So they were just stitching her cuts and taking her mri, CT scan all sort of stuffs.

When I heard footsteps running to me.

When I turned I saw Mr. Cha, jae yi and mom. They rushed to me.

Donghoon was already there. He handled them. One by one everyone was coming.

After about 30 mins the doctor came out. Everyone jolted up to him.

"miss. cha. is completely fine. She just had a concussion, we have done the stitching, she will wake up soon. Other injuries will be determined by the x rays and I would also ask Mr. Kim taehyung to accompany for his check up too." the doctor says with a smile.

Okay don't ask me. I know I leave stuff In a cliffhanger but I'm a kdrama addict and I write books as if I'm describing a kdrama word by word.

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