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Before Puck knew it, Quinn and Beth had been in L.A. for nearly three weeks. Everything was great - Quinn and Puck got along well, Beth was happy, and James got a job so he wasn't around all the time.

"Hey." Puck said as he walked into the house.

"Hey." Quinn replied. "Where's Beth?"

"Mercedes is gonna babysit." Puck stated. "I'm taking you out to dinner."

Quinn raised her eyebrow. "You are?"

"Yeah." Puck nodded. "I figured we could talk and get drinks after and walk around."

Quinn nodded slowly.

"If you don't want to, we don't-"

"I want to." Quinn cut Puck off. "Show me all the cool L.A. adult spots."

Puck smiled. "Alright, go get ready."



After Puck paid for dinner, the pair left the restaurant and walked around hand-in-hand.

"Dinner was really nice." Quinn smiled. "You didn't have to pay, but thank you."

"That could've been your last meal in L.A." Puck shrugged. "I had to make it a good one."

"Yeah, I've been thinking about what you said about Beth wanting to stay here." Quinn began softly.

"You can't do anything because of me or Beth." Puck reminded Quinn.

"I know." Quinn said. "But you were right about me liking it here. I really like it. I like the warmth, although I don't know how I'll feel when Christmas rolls around, and I like the three of us being together."

"Yeah?" Puck asked.

"I could see myself living here." Quinn told Puck. "For more than just the summer."

"Does that mean you wanna stay?" Puck asked, holding back his smile.

"I wanna stay." Quinn nodded.

Puck smiled excitedly as he wrapped his arms around Quinn and hugged her.

Quinn laughed lightly as she and Puck parted. "We can figure everything out later, but I'm glad you're excited."

"What else is there to figure out?" Puck wondered.

"Well, I don't want me and Beth to interrupt your life so we can talk about our living situation, and we'll have to find a school for her." Quinn pointed out. "Plus, I have to figure out what I wanna do for work and find a job."

"We can figure out school and work later." Puck promised. "You and Beth should stay in my house. We can make it ours."

"I don't wanna jump into a relationship while I'm figuring things out." Quinn clarified. "With anyone."

"Nothing has to change." Puck said. "You have your own room, I have mine. Beth has hers."

"And your dad." Quinn noted.

"Yeah, I'll come up with a timeline with him to get him out." Puck told Quinn.

Quinn nodded as she looked at Puck.

"This is gonna be great." Puck grinned as he kissed Quinn's cheek and squeezed her hand. "Let's go home and talk to Beth."

"Okay." Quinn smiled back. "Let's go."

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