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"Hi, Mommy." Beth smiled when Quinn got in the car.

"Hi, B." Quinn smiled as she closed the car door and buckled her seatbelt. She did a double-take at Puck, noting his cuts and black eye, which he was trying to hide under his sunglasses. She didn't say anything - she wouldn't in front of Beth.

"How'd it go?" Puck asked as he started driving home.

"Good." Quinn answered.

Puck's eyes were on the road, but he could feel Quinn's burning into his face. The car ride felt a lot longer than it was.

"Are you guys hungry?" Puck asked when they walked in the front door of his house. "I can make something or we can order something."

"Beth, go upstairs." Quinn said, closing the front door.

Beth looked at Quinn and then turned to Puck.

"Now, B." Quinn commanded.

Beth folded her arms as she stomped away.

When they were alone, Quinn looked at Puck. "Take off the sunglasses and let's talk."

"Q." Puck sighed.

"Noah." Quinn muttered.

Puck took off the sunglasses and looked at Quinn.

"Noah." Quinn frowned.

"My dad broke his sobriety today." Puck began.

Quinn took a deep breath.

"Beth was upstairs the whole time, and then Mercedes picked her up." Puck added. "I didn't call you because I wanted to talk in person and explain what happened."

"Okay." Quinn said. "So what exactly happened?"

"As soon as Beth went upstairs to grab a game, my dad stumbled in drunk. I tried to get him to sit down or calm down, but when he drinks, it gets bad." Puck stated.

Quinn nodded slowly. "Yeah, your eye looks really bad."

"Thanks." Puck muttered.

"Can you even see?" Quinn wondered.

"I can see." Puck said.

"What did you tell Beth?" Quinn questioned Puck.

"She didn't ask, so I didn't tell her anything." Puck shrugged.

"I'll talk to her later." Quinn decided as she took a deep breath. "I think I'm gonna take her to Mercedes' tonight."

"Quinn." Puck frowned.

"Just while your dad sobers up and you figure out what you wanna do going forward." Quinn said. "Because I'm not comfortable with Beth being around him. At all. And you enabling this... this isn't you."

"It was a setback." Puck said. "Addicts can't just get better in one smooth process."

"You have a room full of booze, Puck." Quinn noted. "I don't know if that's what he drank or not, but you can't have all that alcohol around and expect him to stay sober."

Puck furrowed his eyebrow.

"Look." Quinn said. "I wanna be here, but I need some space for a few days to think. And so do you. You can figure things out here without having to worry about me and Beth."

"What about the school visits?" Puck asked. "We have a bunch this week."

"We have three." Quinn stated. "The first one isn't until Wednesday so I'll see you then."

"Quinn." Puck frowned.

"Until then, I don't wanna hear from you." Quinn said.

"What about Beth?" Puck wondered.

"I'll let her use my phone or Mercedes' to call you, but I don't wanna talk to you." Quinn told Puck. "Just for a few days."

"I know you're afraid, but-"

"Afraid?" Quinn cut Puck off. "I'm not afraid, Noah. I'm pissed."

Puck didn't say anything.

"I'm pissed at you and I don't even know why. I'm pissed at your dad for breaking his sobriety and for hurting you." Quinn explained. "I just need a break, okay?"

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