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Early in the week, Puck and Quinn met with Puck's manager and publicist to discuss releasing the song. Puck spent the rest of the week making phone calls to his security team and lawyers, and looking for a new piano to replace the one his dad ruined.

"Noah." Quinn said. "I've been thinking and I think we should still have that big Labor Day party this weekend."

"Are you sure?" Puck asked. "We could do something just the three of us instead, if you want. Well, and Finn."

"No, I wanna see everyone before Beth and Finn go back to school." Quinn stated. "Plus, it'll be a good way to rip off the bandaid of seeing your mom."

"Alright." Puck nodded. "If you're sure, I'll text everyone."

"I'm sure." Quinn said. "I'm okay."

"Okay." Puck echoed. "How does my eye look? I don't want my mom or Sarah to freak out."

"It looks much better." Quinn noted. "You can barely even tell how bad it was."

"Good." Puck said as he took out his phone. He furrowed his eyebrow as he looked at the screen.

"What?" Quinn asked.

"Jake just sent me a bunch of stuff about my dad online." Puck noted as he got up. "I'm gonna go make some calls."

Quinn nodded. "I'll be here."


Puck shook his head angrily as he sat down on the couch. "One of my neighbors leaked the story to TMZ or something."

"Seriously?" Quinn asked.

"Yeah, there's an article with pictures of the police out front and pictures of my eye and all this crap." Puck said, clenching his jaw. "So now I'm supposed to address it."

"I'm sorry, Noah." Quinn frowned.

"They want me to make a video or do a livestream and clear things up." Puck explained. "Because now there are rumors going around that I got arrested and things about you and Beth and..."

"Breathe." Quinn told Puck as she took his hands. "Do you wanna do it now before Beth and Finn get back?"

"Yeah, let's just get it over with." Puck said as he got up. "I'll set everything up. Are you okay with me talking about the song?"

"Yeah, whatever you want." Quinn nodded as she stood up.

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