Chapter 4

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The trip to the gardens had left me exhausted and hollow, but I wasn't about to waste a chance to explore my surroundings. Escape wasn't on my mind — in the Darkling's palace, in his city, in his country, I wouldn't make it far without allies and resources — but I could at least learn a little more about where I was being kept.

I couldn't walk around the palace looking as I did, in an elegant black-and-gold silk kefta that made me feel like an ornament. The halls would be crawling with servants at this hour. I would have to wait until night to make any kind of move.

I stripped out of my kefta, leaving it a puddle on the rug, and went into the bathroom to wash my tearstained face. After a few seconds of debating whether to ruin Natalia's excellent work by taking my hair down, I decided I had to. Waiting for my dinner tray in a nightdress and perfectly coiffed hair would definitely arouse suspicion.

My plan was to fluster the maid bringing dinner so badly by actually answering my door that she would forget to lock it. It mostly worked. When the evening knock came, I sprang up to open the door before she could. Upon seeing me, she nearly jumped.

"Oh! Moi—"

"I'll take that, thank you," I said, holding out my arms for the tray.

"Well, I," she began, nervously. Her eyes flickered to the bureau where she normally left the tray. But I made myself a wedge in the door, so she had no choice but to hand it over. Then I stood there, giving her what I hoped was a benevolent smile, so she could not lock me in.

"Good night, then," I said with false pleasantness. "I'll leave it outside when I'm done."

"Yes," she said, bowing. "Of course." And she set off down the hall, though not without a glance over her shoulder.

Knowing I would have to work quickly, I took the tray over to the bureau and abandoned it, tossing my nightdress over my head and setting about finding something else to wear. Out of curiosity, I opened the last door leading out of my room, then closed it. That closet, equal in size to my luxurious bathroom, was full of dresses that were clearly for state occasions, glittering black and gold and silver things. Contemplating it all left me lightheaded.

I returned to my wardrobe, rummaging through it for anything that might make me less conspicuous. It seemed like the long, almost tunic-like blouses I was used to wearing under keftas had fallen out of fashion. Instead, there were sleeveless tops made of light cotton for summer, and full-sleeved knit shirts for winter. The breeches were much the same. Enough pawing and I found a stiff thigh-length wool coat and a black silk scarf. The coat was warm for early autumn, but it was the least flashy piece of clothing I owned.

It was a weird thought. None of this felt much like mine.

Then again, I'd never owned much. My clothing at Keramzin had been donations or hand-me-downs, handed down in turn to smaller children. My army uniform was the government's property, my kefta belonged to Little Palace. Maybe this wasn't so different.

I tied the scarf around my white hair, pulled the collar of the coat high to hide the antlers at my neck, and left my room, closing the door behind me with care. I wouldn't pass for staff, but at least I looked like neither a Grisha nor a queen. My first instinct was to stuff my hands in my pockets, but I thought that might make me look more suspicious. I left them by my side and tried to stand up straight, like I belonged here.

What did I know about the Grand Palace? It would probably be a mistake to assume it was exactly like the Little Palace, a square building that would circle me back to my room. Or, even if it was, it was much larger, and I probably wouldn't find my room again for some time. I had no idea where I was in relation to the throne room, or the grand ballroom where the winter fete had been held. My best guess was that the private rooms were at the back, which I recalled from when Genya had snuck me into the queen's suites. Those rooms had been on the second floor, though, and I was on the first.

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