Draco Malfoy x Harry Potter ~ Manor P.2

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I was so tempted to name this chapter Study Buddy.

This one should only be three, but it might get to four depending on if I'm willing to make it longer.

Also thank you so much for 700 reads!

Harry walked past Draco in the hallway, quickly catching up to Ron and Hermione who were heading towards the Great Hall for lunch. 

"Ah, there you are Harry, how'd it go with Draco?" Ron asked him, sitting beside Hermione at the Gryffindor table. The two had become very touchy in the past few weeks, after they had done 'it' for the first time. Harry was feeling more like a third wheel with every passing second. 

"Snape assigned us as study partners," Harry mumbled, watching as food appeared in front of each student, the Great Hall immediately filling with different colors and different scents. Harry tug into his food immediately, finding the only way to stop thinking about Malfoy was to eat and satisfy his hunger.

"For how long?" Hermione asked with a slightly shocked tone. Harry rolled his eyes, glaring at his messy, barbecue covered fingers.

"'Til the next test, if Draco gets a good grade," Harry said to her, his eyes lazily meeting hers. She bit her lip, giving him a sympathetic glance but quickly went back to speaking with Ron. Harry turned back to his plate of food, his nose scrunched. 

This was so stupid. 

When he eventually looked up again, he found his eyes glaring at Professor Snape from across the Great Hall. He was glaring right back, not touching any of the food which had appeared on his own plate. 

Suddenly, Harry watched the professor eyes wander to a figure which was approaching him, seeming to be at his own request. It was Malfoy, his back slightly hunched and his head kept low.

They begun to speak and Harry clenched his fists when Malfoy peered over his shoulder to meet eyes with him. Malfoy's grey eyes were filled with something along the lines of hatred and disappointment, but he quickly turned back to the Potions Master before Harry could study the emotions further. Harry also moved his eyes away from Malfoy and the touching couple, leading him back to his plate of food. 

"Potter," Malfoy said from behind him. harry jumped in his seat, refraining from turning around and strangling the boy. "Respond," he hissed, quickly getting irritated with Harry's behavior. 

"What?" Harry snapped me. Draco stayed silent for a moment and Harry rolled his eyes, about to mimic what Malfoy had said before, but the boy laid a hand on his shoulder. 

"I am open tonight," Draco told him. "For studying."

He squeezed Harry's shoulder as if it was in warning. 

But it wasn't a warning for Harry. 

It was a warning for Draco. 

"Alright, just get your hand off me," Harry hissed at him, his eyes shooting over his shoulder. But Draco... he looked scared. It wasn't normal for Malfoy to lower his mask of a evil smirk, but he was doing it now, his eyes glassy and his bottom lip quivering. Harry's face quickly searched over his shoulder to see Snape staring at him, almost as if he was studying them. Before he could meet the professors eyes, Harry looked back over to Draco. 

"I'll be there-"

"5 o'clock, sharp, don't be late," Malfoy barked at him, his face quickly covering his true emotions as he took his hands off Harry's shoulder after one last squeeze. Then he was gone, speed walking out of the Great Hall and out of sight. 

Hermione and Ron didn't seem to have seen the scene fold out. 

Harry had lost his appetite. 

When 5:00 rolled around, Harry was tempted to be late just to make Draco annoyed along with Lucius. But the look in Draco's eyes had been bothering Harry for the majority of the day.

So he got there right at five. 

Lucius was there and he looked surprised to see Harry. 

"Mr. Potter," Lucius dragged on, his eyes looked down at the boy in confusion, "what are you doing here?"

Draco's father didn't seem to be doing to great. A grey stubble sat on his chin and his eyes were looking more like Professor Snape's everyday except his eye bags were more purple than shadowed. His once white hair had become more of an unhealthy dirty blonde with broken ends along with looking greasy. He still had his cane, but it had a few chips in it seeming to be from being thrown across the room. Yet he still held his fashion, a black trench coat looking thing hugging his sides along with a black undershirt, all buttons closed. His pants were the same, looking like they had just been cleaned and ironed along with his newly polished dress shoes. 

"I'm here to study with Draco," Harry said to him, gripping his satchel strap. Lucius glared down at him. "You asked Professor Snape to provide him with a study partner, didn't you?" 

"Go," Lucius hissed at his sarcasm, pointing into the manor. Harry wanted to go on a rant of things to annoy the man on, but he decided there was a reason Draco had invited him so early, so he stepped inside. 

The manor was as spooky as ever. The wall painted in a dark grey and the tile being a reflective black material which made every footstep Harry took with his flat tennis shoes echo throughout the high ceilinged manor.

"The study room is down the hall," Lucius hissed at him. Harry nodded, walking towards the hall he had pointed to with the end of his cane. To his surprise, the cramped hallway was very small and dark and at the end of it, was a door. It almost looked like the dungeon door at Hogwarts. 


Continuing towards it, he heard shuffling coming from the opposing side of the door. Through the small barred window he watched as a blonde walked past and then again. 

Draco was pacing. 

Harry knocked against the door, smirking when he saw Draco jump. The Malfoy boy opened the door, grabbing Harry by his satchel and tugging him inside. He shut the door behind him, pushing Harry onto the chair. The small room definitely wasn't Draco's bedroom.  The small room had bookshelves lining the longer wall across from the door and was dimly lit, the only light bulb hanging above the small table not being on. The table Harry sat in front of was made of a dark brown wood, two chairs sitting on opposite sides of each other at the small table. the floor was the same tile as outside and there weren't any window. 

"You really had to talk to my father, didn't you?" Draco hissed at him, turning to Harry. 

"Well no one better was there to answer the door, was there?" Harry huffed at him, sitting up in the chair. 

"I really invite you into my house and here you are, scorning me on not being able to answer the door?" Draco sneered. 

"I didn't ask you to, it seems you Snape a sort of deal going, or your scared of him-"

"I'm not scared of him!" Draco roared, slamming his hands down on the table. The large bang echoed through the room and Harry quickly backed down. Draco's breathing was ragged as he slowly pushed off the table, standing back up. He looked a bit woozy standing there, having to blink to get the life back in his eyes. But he sat down across from Harry, Pulling the books from off the floor beside him. 

"What do you need help with?"Harry asked. Draco immediately glared at him. 

"I don't need help," Draco said. Harry raised an eyebrow. 

"I wouldn't be-"

"I don't need your sass right now, Potter."

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