Sirius Black x Remus Lupin ~ Fireworks

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Do you guys want smut?

3rd Person POV

Sirius walked down the hall with his head down, passing Professor Sprouts herbology glass lined classroom with a slight shoot of his eyes. The young woman was indeed beginning to set up the mandrake newborns in their pots as first year entered the room. Remus was standing around the corner of the green house, watching as well as Sirius slightly nodded when he passed the open door completely. James, who was standing under the large archway of a door to the back entrance of the school, winked at Remus and ran down the corridor to his right towards another area where he let out a small whistle. Peter smiled from around the third corner. The boys chain was very unnecessary at the time, but when it came to running away from the group of professors, the scattering method was the best way to do it. 

The stubbier boy ran down the corridor and into a closet, quickly pressing the red button he had been holding. A stillness ran through the air and James held his breath, trying to act cool as a group of sixth year girls walked by, chatting slightly. His eyes did wander though. Suddenly, the sound of an explosion rang through his ears and he burst out laughing, Peter doing the same from the closet near by. A shriek of surprise rang out and audible coughs were heard. Then, the racing footsteps. 

"Run!" Sirius shouted, running around the corner and passed James. Remus came running around the corner quickly just as James had begun to run, quickly causing a collision between the two seventh year boys. 

"Run Mooney!" James hissed at him, throwing the boy to his feet. James quickly got to his feet as Remus took off down the hall to try and get a head start. "Don't let Sirius get caught!" James yelled as he got to his own feet and stared at Mooney until he had successfully run around the corner. He quickly hid around the corner of the large entrance area and shoved a hand into his pocket, pulling out a few small candy looking things. He grinned, waiting for the approaching footsteps. Around the corner three different professors ran into view. A slightly burnt Professor Spout ran around, almost slipping as her feet were covered in soot from the explosion. Filch, the caretaker of the school, also did, his braided grey hair flying around his neck as he tried to take the sharp turn. Professor McGonagall was also there and James had thrown the fireworks before realizing the woman was one of the three. Large sparks flew through he air and loud whistles rang through the echoing corridor.

James quickly made a run for it around the corner, thinking he had gotten away with it as he slowed his steps. But his thoughts were quickly changed when someone grabbed the collar of his robe, yanking him back and almost made him choke from their steal grip. 

"Finally got ya', Potter," Filch said, slightly shaking James like he was some sort of prey which Filch had been chasing for years. 

Actually, that was the exact situation.

James was quickly escorted back to McGonagall's office where he stood in front of her desk, his head hung low, but a small smile creeping its way to his lips when he heard the woman's heels making its way towards the desk. The professor was beautiful and young, just his type. 

Fine, maybe a bit older than his type, mid thirties perhaps? 

Though he did like red heads more.

She had beautiful silver hair which she normally kept undone and flowing her shoulders. She wore a black witches hat and robe, falling down to her toes and heels, which made it easy for him to hear when she was coming to snatch him for detention. But, what James liked most about Professor McGonagall was that she normally let him off easy. 

James blamed it on his irresistible charm, but Sirius told him it was just because she liked seeing a little fun in the school.

A different pair of footsteps lumbered down the hall, which could easily be recognized for Filches heavy steps. 

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