Andromeda Black x Ted Tonks ~ Protego P.1

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This one-shot is split into two, the second part will be posted sometime today or tomorrow.

3rd Person POV

Andromeda walked down the halls of Hogwarts, minding her own business as she passed an open corridor which gave her a beautiful view of the large, grassy hill Hogwarts was sitting on. The sun was just beginning to rise, giving the brick corridor a warm sensation in both color and in temperature. The Hogwarts main train ran across a farther hill past the calm river in the distance. Smoke puffed out of its top as it ran over the bridge part of the tracks. Such a beautiful view you could get from looking out the train windows when over than bridge. Her sisters may not remember it well, to busy talking about Lucius Malfoy and the other boys sitting in the car behind them. But Andromeda remembered the sun setting in the distance from the long ride and way it reflected off the castles turrets and rounded brick walls. 

She stared out the corridor for a moment and looked away, only catch something in the corner of her eye. A silhouette or maybe a shadow limp down the hill and into the woods to the left. The Forbidden Forest looped around the castles right side. Her head shot in the direction of the shadow, but no one stood where she had seen the figure.

So, Andromeda continued walking.

She made it to potions class just in time when the bell rang, most of her other classmates in their seats. There was only one table left, one right in front of her sisters and one seat open. Severus Snape sat in the very left seat. But Andromeda wasn't afraid nor disgusted by the boy's mysterious behavior. Supposedly, he was great at potions. So, she sat down besides him and felt a bit bad for scooting away from him, only doing it because of the snickers heard behind her and the eyes staring in her direction.

"Welcome students, sorry I am late," Professor Slughorn said, entering the room. The man was larger, his strangely colored trench coat slightly stretching at his size. He was a bit cheerful for his classroom to be down in the dungeons where barely any sunlight made it, but somehow he fit the position as the potions professor. "I had to grab some extra materials," he said and Andromeda spotted how large his pockets were, filled with vials and other plants she assumed. 

"Alright, today's lesson will be on Polyjuice potion."

The class ended a while later. Severus was an excellent potions partner, just not exactly friend material. Yet Andromeda could see why he and Lily got along so well for his quietness cancelled out Lily's out going social skills and gleefulness. The sun was about a quarter in the sky as Andromeda walked past the same same corridor she had before, but this time, as she looking, she spotted the same figure limp across the hill again, going in the same direction too, straight into the Forbidden Forest.

The corridor was empty, all besides her and she bit her lip, her mind going back and forth between going to explore and let her curiosity roam, or go to class risk free.

After all, curiosity did kill the cat. 

But that is why she had gone with an owl as a pet rather than a feline.

She took one last furtive glance down both sides of the corridor before sprinted between the pillars and making a run for it. No one shouted for her to stop, no one shouted at her to comeback. So, she assumed she was home free.

Andromeda quickly ran for the woods where the figure had gone, but paused at where the large shadowy barrier was like the sun had a hard time making its way into the thick forest of trees and a perfect line wound around the entire woods round perimeter where the trouble began. She slowly took off her heels, finding walking on rocky ground would be easier barefoot that with thin heeled shoes. She laid them in a patch of long grass where only she would see unless looking for them specifically. Then, she returned to her original spot, taking a short and pathetic step into the darker area. The ground was cold, but still alive though the only pants in sight were the dead looking trees. She took another careful step, not caring about the way the sharp rocks sunk into her soft feet. They needed to be roughened up anyways. 

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