Andromeda Black x Ted Tonks ~ Rain P.2

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Part 2

3rd Person POV

"Edward Tonks," her father said, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a piece of folded paper. Andromeda opened her mouth to speak, her mind searching for the name to see if she recognized it. "Muggle Born into a muggle family and lives on a farm. He helps work on it during the summer just so his family can continued affording his education in the muggle world," her father read. Andromeda listened, hoping this went somewhere.

When her father stopped and looked up at her, his face had darkened.

"Should I know if that is?" Andromeda asked. Her father suddenly stood abruptly from the couch.

"Is it true?" her father asked in a darker tone. He began walking towards her and Andromeda took a careful step back. He raised the folded paper, his eyes flaming. "Ted Tonks? Is it true?" he asked her. Andromeda's eyes widened at the name. Ted, her father was talking about Ted.

"Ted Tonks?" she whispered, her courage fading as her father seemed to grow at every step he took towards her.

"Did he ask you on a date, ask you to do anything of that sort?" her father asked.

"It was more of a friendly meeting-" she whispered to herself, but her father lost it at that. He whipped a hand around, slapping the girl across the face. She let out a surprised whimper at the stinging in her face, falling to the ground in more surprise than pain.

"Answer me!" her father said. "Your sisters informed me that he asked you, and you said yes?" her father asked. He looked like he was about to kick her as she laid on the ground, but her mother quickly interfered, grabbing Cygnus by the arm.

"Go to your room, Andromeda, you are grounded," her mother told her. The fearful girl quickly got to her feet and ran to her room. She huffed as she got to the stairs, staring up at the dark corridor leading up to her bedroom.

"Kreacher will clean the windows," the voice suddenly said. Andromeda turned to look down the equally dark hallway to see Kreacher, the house elf walking down the hallway, a bucket of water being tugged behind him. The elf must have not seen her until coming into the slight light of the lantern nearby. "Ah, Master Andromeda, what can Kreacher do for you?" he asked her. The small elf never seemed to age, still seeming like the young elf they had gotten when she was born, but a bit more cranky. The elf had connected well with Regulus who stayed with them during the school year for transportation reasons.

"Is Regulus here?" Andromeda asked. Her younger cousin wandered around the property on his free will while going to Hogwarts. He had been ordered to come home every night, though, for her own parents were afraid he would run away.

"Master Regulus is in his room, would Master Andromeda want Kreacher to escort to Regulus's quarters?" the elf asked her. She shook her head, patting the top of his bald head.

"Thank you Kreacher," she told him, walking down the dark hall towards his room. She raised a hand to his door, but wasn't sure if this was such a good idea.

"Some commotion comin' from down there, did one of the Black sisters finally strike the old man's last nerve?" Regulus asked from inside his room. The door slowly opened, revealing the boys messy room. He was sitting on his bed, a book in his lap as he seemed to scratch his head. the boy was handsome, to be fair, resembling his older brother, Sirius Black. He had messy,inky black hair and shadowed eyes. Just as dark eyes filled his sockets and pale skin ran across his entire figure. He wore black like her parents, but not a suit. More muggle looking clothes like lose black pants and buttoned up black shirt with only two buttons fastened.

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