Remus Lupin ~ Before P.1

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The end is dark and sad and violent all wrapped in one whole happy bundle.

(I might do a part two, but we'll see)

March 10, 1964

3rd Person POV

"Happy fourth birthday, Remy!" Hope Lupin said, helping her five year old son to the table. The boy's brown eyes lit up at the sight of the small cupcake placed on the paper plate, a single candle stuck into the vanilla frosting. Lyall Lupin, the woman's husband, stood on his other side, an equally excited grin on his face. Remus stared at the candle as her mother lit a match, lighting the wax wick.

"Make a wish, son," his father told him. Remus looked at the candle for a moment before blowing onto the flame, sending smoke fluttering through the house. His parents claps echoed through the almost empty house and Remus smile widened.

"Alright, now for gifts," Hope said, taking her son's small hands into hers and helping him down from the dining room chair. She had to bend over slightly as they walked towards the hallway leading to the families one bedroom and only bathroom. Inside the bedroom, a red wrapped box was sitting on the queen sized bed. Remus giggled and ran over to the bed, pulling his mom behind him as he climbed onto the bed. Lyall came behind his wife, wrapping his arms around her waist and giving it a comforting squeeze. Remus climbed onto the bed, a giddy smile on his lips as he brushed his shaggy bangs out of how face and turned to his parents as he reached to the box.

"What are you waiting for, kiddo?" Lyall asked his son. "Go on, open it."

Remus smiled and waved his parents closer to the bed, tugging his mom up and onto the bed and pushing his father to his knees to be able to see better. Then, Remus began to slowly peel the wrapping off the box, taking the ribbon off first. He smiled, setting the ribbon on the side of him and slowly removed the wrapping like he wanted to use it later. On the other side of the red wrapping was a brown box. It hadn't been closed off by tape, so Remus was able to simply open the flaps to peer inside. Inside the box, three things laid. On the top was a small bag of pink cotton candy. Remus's eyes lit up when he spotted the splotch of color, quickly grabbing it and turning to his parents in shock. He never got sweets. His mom smiled and giggled slightly at his surprise face.

"Cotton candy? For me?" Remus asked them. His mom smile and nodded to him. Remus quickly reached over, wrapping his arms around her and she smiled. Remus poked his head out over her shoulder and waved to his dad who was continued to watch from the ground. he got up, patting his sons head.

"Alright, what else is there?" Hope asked, gesturing for Remus to continue. Remus quickly placed the cotton candy to his side and patted it, protectively, turning back to the box. He was on his knees as he looked back into it. The next piece of clothing he pulled out from the depths of the box was a shirt, a sweatshirt more looking thing. It was a bit dusty, patched in a few places, but it seemed to have been loved. Remus quickly placed it over his head, carefully pulling his arms through the sleeves of the shirt. It was a bit baggy on him, the neck acting as a turtle neck. The color was a very dark green, almost like toasted cactus. he loved it. The fabric was soft so Remus felt warm already.

"No hugs yet, finish it off," his dad said, pointing to the box when he saw Remus move to hug his mom again. The younger boy nodded and turned back to the box, pulling out the last item at the bottom of the box. He pulled out something heavy and rectangular. Pulling it out, he flipped it over, settling onto his calves as his eyes wandered over the cover of the book.

Hogwarts Historics, was what the title read. Remus's eyes widened at the large book and he thumbed through the pages.

"Whats Hogwarts?" Remus asked, raising his eyes from the books golden yellow pages. He turned to his mother and she gestured towards his father. Lyall Lupin walked closer to his son and sat on the bed beside him.

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