Sirius Black x Remus Lupin ~ Notes

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I always do this and I feel so pathetic for making separate one shots without finishing others

Sorry about that.

Also, thank you so much for almost 700 reads!

Also, I might be arranging chapters different after posting them in weird orders to make it so they are easier and more consistent for the readers to read.

Things you do in a serious relationship are done in this chapter so 3/10 on the mature level (10 being smut).

James watched as Sirius sat down in transfiguration, taking out his notebook. Raising an eyebrow, he watched his troublesome friend pull out his quill and ink, dipping it into the ink without making a mess at all. He was biting his lip in anticipation as he waited for Professor McGonagall to welcome the students to class. James sat down next to him, Peter sitting besides him and Remus sitting on the other side of Sirius. He pulled out his own notebook, not meeting his boyfriends eyes as he begun writing a title on the top of a fresh page. 

Remus always found a way to make this notebooks look very neat and professional which was one of the things James had always jealous of. Though he didn't take notes much, it was because of his messy handwriting an inability to organize his page that he hated taking them. 

"Welcome students," McGonagall said to the class. She was wearing her normal robes though they were made of a heavier looking fabric, a bit of a shiny green fabric covering them as if made of reflective scales. But it fit her, giving her a bit more color than her normal black robes. She wore her witches hat, the top corner curved and bent slightly. Putting her hands together, she revealed two silver bracelets which clicked against each other as well as a few rings on her smooth hands. "Today will be a note taking day, please try to write down what I say, it will help you on your next test," she said. Then, she turned to the blackboard behind her, raising her wand and begun to write words. 

Halfway through the class, James realized how serious Sirius was being about note taking. He seemed to be trying to write every word Professor McGonagall said, even if it wasn't anything relevant to the subject. He had filled pages of his notebook by the end of class and James was surprised to see neat writing on each of them. 

"Padfoot? You really taking notes?" James asked when McGonagall turned towards the blackboard to write something down. Sirius gave a nod before continuing to write something down which the professor had spoken. "Alright, then I guess you don't want to try and sneak out?" James asked him. Sirius shook his head, dipping his quill quickly as the professor said something else. 

"Stink bomb?" James asked after a few minutes of listening to the professor speak. Sirius ignored him this time, dipping his quill and pressing it against his notebook parchment. But, the ink splattered all over the page. James watched in suspicion as Sirius's head shot in Remus's direction, seeming to get a approval over something. But Moony simply gave the smallest nods towards Sirius, making him let out a sigh of relief and go back to note taking. 

James narrowed his eyebrows.

"Do you know what's goin' on with Padfoot?" James asked Peter as they walked out of the classroom. Sirius had left the room in a sort of hurry when Remus had left the class first. 

He was like a lost puppy, following Moony around.

"I just heard them whispering last night in the dorm. Something about 'studying' and taking things more 'serious'," Peter said, using his extra hand to make sarcastic quotations over each word which Remus definitely said. 

"I've never seen Padfoot take notes before," James said, slumping down slightly. "Have you seen his handwriting?" he asked. "It looks almost like Moony's, I never thought Padfoot would have such good handwriting."

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