Suna x Reader (Oikawa Included): Forbidden Love, Alt. Ending 1 (🍯)

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Kita patted your head gently before embracing you into a warm hug. You wrapped your arms back and around him and felt the salty and hot tears drown your eyes.

      'Kita...' you sobbed quietly.

      'It's okay, I'm here. Don't worry Y/n.' He said, smiling, as he moved his arms from around your body to your head, holding your head close to his chest, putting his head on top of yours as he rubbed the back of your head, trying to calm you down, and all of the questions in your head wondering how you found yourself here, and how you've ended up here...

All disappeared...

     Kita...oh where do you start?

     You've known Kita for almost as long as you've known Atsumu. He doesn't necessarily show up at parties and that kind of stuff, but the both of you would talk and spend time with each other whenever Atsumu would invite you to any Inarizaki hangouts. You guys became extremely close as you continued to go to those hangouts, along with already being close to Atsumu.

You guys would have nonstop conversations about...practically anything. Kita was such an easy person for you to talk to, such an understanding and kind person that it sometimes scared you from how pure his heart is.

One of your brightest memories of you and him was when you were at one of Atsumu's regular house parties. You were having a great time inside, singing your lungs out, partying the breath out of you, when suddenly you just needed a quick breather.

You stepped outside to the backyard and saw Kita sitting next to the campfire that was set outside. You were shocked to see him there, especially at a party.

He was roasting a marshmallow and when he saw you, he smiled and scooted a bit over for you.

You didn't even hesitate to sit down next to him. The both of you roasted marshmallows throughout that night, talking to one another about the happy things, the sad things, the scary things...talking about life while eating the warm, campfire cooked marshmallows that tasted sweet and sticky, with a hint of smoke.

Anytime you smell the smell of burning wood or caramelized reminds you of Kita.

The idea that the party was still going on didn't even cross your mind. You were enjoying your time with Kita outside. The way he laughed and smiled made you feel nothing but joy. You remember the both of you stopping and staring up into the sky, pointing at the stars. You remember the both of you pointing out shapes and patterns in the sky, looking at the beautiful twinkling constellations.

After you started dating Oikawa at the time, he refused to let you spend time at those hangouts and parties due to his own 'personal reasons'. You hadn't seen Kita ever since then...

Kita...had a very special place in your heart. The both of you did not share any romantic feelings towards one another, but the both of you had deep regards for each other. Kita had always protected you, watched your back, and cared for you, and it was all out of the good of his heart and his pure soul. He was always there for you to make you feel better, make you feel happy and well. He was like the older brother you've never had, the sibling that would comfort you no matter what, even though you guys were fairly close in age.

You sat there; your head buried into his chest. You didn't say anything or moved, you just let yourself calm down slowly.

He held the back of your head with his hand and slowly lied you down. He moved into the bed, lying next to you and wrapped his arms around your back, putting his head next to yours. He took your hands into his and held them close to your chest.

You've felt an unbelievable comfort as he held you in his arms. After this entire nightmare...this was all you've needed, especially to see Kita out of all people.

You've felt the tears in your eyes slowly stop falling, and you've felt your eyelids start to grow heavy.

But then you heard Kita's sweet and gentle voice flow into your ears, and you didn't hesitate to listen to him.

'Y/n, you're welcome to stay for however long you want.' He said as he hugged you tighter. 'I understand everything, don't worry. You're safe here. We're far away from everyone.' He said as you felt the cheek of his face touch your head as he lied his head down close to yours

You've felt so protected by his words and arms.

You knew you did not deserve him, the sweet and kindred soul he was. He's too good for the earth, he's too great for everyone.

'Thanks Kita.' you sniffled softly, wishing you could express your gratitude even more, but your head was throbbing badly from these past few days. You were sleep deprived, emotionally disrupted, and not cognitively functional. You couldn't think straight and you weren'

These past few days really taught you about patience and trust, and you didn't know how long it is going to take for you to rebuild yourself back together.

To find yourself.

To fix yourself.

'Don't worry, I'll always be here to protect you. I don't want you to get hurt again.' Kita whispered as he held you close to his chest.

'Just sleep now, you need rest. I'm here to hold you.' was the last thing you've heard come out of his lips before you felt yourself drift off into the long and heavy sleep, where Kita's arms were wrapped around your body and the comfort of the blanket covering the both of you.


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