Suna x Reader (Oikawa included): Forbidden Love (🍋+💔)

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*finally decides to write a oneshot about my husband*
You have been in a somewhat toxic relationship with Oikawa for about 6 months now. Your eye got caught on this boy from another volleyball team when you went to watch Oikawa in his tournament. His name was Suna Rintarou. All you knew about this boy, coming from your best friend on his team, Miya Atsumu, was that he was in the same situation as you.

'LET'S GO SEIJOH!!!' you screamed from the stands as you watched Oikawa get ready to serve. He looked up and winked at you, and you felt a few butterflies come in your stomach.

Oikawa slammed the ball with his hand. The other team froze, not making a move at his powerful serve. A wave of cheers arose from your side of the bleachers, giving the rest of the crowd cheers.

     'THAT'S MY BABY!' you called out to Oikawa, who gave you one of his infamous smirks. You then looked at the other team, Inarizaki, and saw one person glaring at you. What the fuck. You ignored the person's gaze and continued to watch the match.

     'SEIJOH WINS!' the stands went crazy as they chanted 'SEIJOH! SEIJOH! SEIJOH!' You ran down the stairs of the bleachers and jumped into Oikawa's arms.

     'Babe, babe, not in public.' Oikawa said sternly.

     'I'm just proud of you-'

     'No get off of me.' he pushed you out of his arms and walked away from you and along with his team, not glancing back at you. You stood there, not really surprised. It was normal for him to push you away in public and act like heaven under the sheets. You didn't know why he was so ashamed of you, but you continued on and started to walk out of the gym and into the hallway, when you saw the same person from Inarizaki staring at you...but not in the nicest way. You took note of his features:

     He had dark brown hair with curtain bangs and fox, golden hazel eyes. His eyes looked a bit dead, but they were so...pretty. You didn't realize you were staring at him until a brown haired girl came shoving you out of the way.

     'Eyes off my man.' she scoured. Your face turned hot red as you looked at the both of them. That's when you realized...ah, is this Suna? The one Atsumu told me about? As you were collecting your thoughts, the two of them stared at you and you realized.

     'Oh shit I- I didn't mean to-'

     'She didn't do anything. Rin leave her alone.' the boy told the girl.

     'Suna, be quiet for once. And you, if I catch your eyes on my man, just pronounce yourself dead.' she smirked as she grabbed Suna's collar and walked off.

     Well, now I know he has a girlfriend...

     You saw Oikawa at the end of the hallway.

     'What the fuck Y/n where were you? I'm going to be late for the party.' Oikawa grabbed your hand and darted off with you out of the campus, and you felt hot eyes stare at the both of you, especially Suna's and his gf's, who was giving her wicked smirk again. Oikawa didn't care if he embarrassed you in public; as long as his status was fine, then that's important.

     Oikawa jumped into the driver's seat and you sat in the passenger's. Without hesitation, he started the car and pulled the car out of the driveway.

haikyuu x reader (LEMONS+ANGSTY ONESHOTS)Where stories live. Discover now