Sugawara x Reader: 'You're what...' (🍯)

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You had something very important to tell your boyfriend Sugawara...

     Your head ached. You felt dizzy and scared. Very scared. How is he going to react? What is he going to say? Will he throw me out? He will definitely throw me out...

     You were terrified. You could be the reason why his reputation gets ruined. It'll be your fault. All your fault.

      You heard a knock on the bathroom door.

     'Baby, are you okay?' Sugawara spoke through the door.

     Your heart dropped to your stomach when you heard his voice. Yup, that's the last time I'll hear him be that sweet. You felt your eyes start to sting as tears flooded them. You spoke in a shaky voice.

     'Yes baby, I'm fine.'

*Sugawara's POV*

     She's not fine. She sounded like she was about to cry. I'm not buying it.

     'Baby, you're not okay. What's wrong, do you feel sick?'

     I heard the flush of a toilet and then the unlock of the bathroom door. Y/n walked out of it with her face all puffy, but her teeth smiling happily trying to mask it. She wrapped me into one of her warm hugs. One of the many reasons why I fell for this beautiful woman; she gives the best hugs. I held her in my arms and stroked her face.

     I felt a few tears touch my fingers. I looked down and into her eyes.


'I'm fine I swear.' she sobbed lightly. I tipped her head upwards and looked at her. She looked...worried...scared...I couldn't really pinpoint it.

'Baby please.'

She buried her face into my right shoulder.

'Promise you won't be mad at me.' she spoke between sobs as she cried into my shoulder. Why is she acting like this. This isn't her at all...what's wrong with her...

'Baby you're making me sick seeing you like this. Talk to me.'

She took her face out of my shoulder and looked at me with the same eyes I fell for in the first place.

*your POV*

'Sugawara....' you took a deep breath before continuing your sentence.

     'I'm pregnant...' you didn't dare look at his face. You felt his grip around your body tighten as he took some shaky inhales of air.

     'You're what...' tears flooded his eyes. I knew this would've been bad...I knew this would've been bad-

      Sugawara held you even closer to him, softly crying into your shoulder. You felt his tears soak into your shoulder as he cried. He looked up at you again.

      'Baby, you're not messing with me right?'

      ' I'm not, I'm so sorry Suga-'

      'SORRY? I'M GOING TO BE A FATHER!' he cried out. He pressed his lips onto yours, kissing you through his cries. He looked at you and your tearstained face, smiling softly.

      'I'm so happy...I'm- I'm going to have a child...but with you. With the most beautiful girl in the world, the only person I'd want to start a family with.'

     He held you in the air and kissed your lips.

      'We have to tell everyone, NOW!'

      'Wait what-'

     'You heard me.' he smiled through his tears. He set you on the floor and darted towards the phone. You stopped him midway.

      'Won't they be mean though...' you questioned, wiping your tears away.

      'No, they won't, and I'll make sure of it.' Sugawara smiled.

     'Baby, what if we plan a surprise party instead, get everyone's reactions in one.'

      'That's a great idea...' Sugawara smiled as he brought you to the kitchen table so you guys  could discuss ideas about this epic surprise.

Yes, I KNOW THIS IS SHORT, but I made it short on purpose. This will not be the only part....for one of many reasons, but you'll just have to keep reading :D good luck.

Word Count: 641 words

haikyuu x reader (LEMONS+ANGSTY ONESHOTS)Where stories live. Discover now