Kageyama x Reader: Vacation, Part 3 (🍋)

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You realized you've been in silence a few seconds too long.

'W-What do you mean you hear us screaming?' you blurted out.

'I heard you shout Kageyama's name over and over again.' Hinata smiled. Then his face turned red in horror.

'Oh...ha ha ha. We were playing some...'

'Video games.' Kageyama blurted out.

'YES! Video games. Yeah, I was getting mad at him because he kept beating me.'

'But what about the punching sounds? They sounded more like slamming-' Hinata questioned.

'Slamming?' Yamaguchi said in a worried tone.

'Slamming.' Tsukishima snickered. He pushed his glasses up with his fingers and turned his face to laugh.

'How are you guys so blind? They clearly had-'


'Wait had what?' Yachi asked.

'GUYS! The slamming was from the controller. Hinata, how could you not have guessed that? You're friends with Kenma.' you asked Hinata.

Hinata stared blankly at you.

'OH, RIGHT! He's always raging while playing. Thank god it was just that, because I could've sworn I thought the both if you were-'

'NOPE. Not at all nope.' You answered quickly, recovering it with a wide, terrified smile.

Kageyama and you sat with obvious smiles. Hinata looked at the both of you, both convinced and unconvinced. Yachi seemed to have accepted the lie you and Kageyama told. Tsukishima wasn't buying it...but there was nothing you guys could do about it. He's fairly sly...but as long as he doesn't say anything, you'll be fine. Yamaguchi was straight up clueless, repeatedly asking Tsukishima what everyone meant. Tsukishima didn't bother looking at him.

'Wait, Tsukishima?' Hinata asked.


'How could you have heard anything? Your room is on the other side of mine. My room is in between the yours and Kageyama's?'

Tsukishima's blunt expression didn't change.

'Who said I did in the first place?'

'Then how did you assume things?' Yachi asked.

'You guys are fucking dumb. I assumed off of what you said, and judging by Kageyama's stupid face, you could really tell that they didn't play video games-'

'WOULD YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP' Kageyama said before kicking his leg.

'ANYWAYS. Should we get our food before the workers kick us out?' you smiled.

Everyone agreed with you and got up from their seats.

You walked over to the counter with all of the plates. You passed one down to everyone and began plating your food.

*few minutes later*

     As you were at the egg station, waiting for the chef to cook your omelette, Yachi approached you.

     'Hey Y/n! You're getting an omelette?'

      'What's up Yachi? Yeah, I am! How about you?'

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