Terushima x Reader: Backstage (🍋)

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You and your 2 friends went to one of Johzenji's popular boy band's concert, Krypton. The school band had gotten farther than just some garage band, and proceeded to become something well known in Japan, still representing their school, of course. The lead singer, fan favorite, hottest boy around , also apart of the high school volleyball team, Terushima, always hangs in the backstage after the concert is over, and your friends and you wanted to test your luck with getting through it...

The 3 of you peered around the corner of the building and saw the backstage door...but it was guarded by a security guard, and he didn't look too happy.

'Just like we've said before; when I get done seducing him, Hannah, you go and grab the extra backstage pass from under his clipboard, and then that's when you come in Y/n. Since you can't do the dirty work, you finish it off by using the pass, getting inside, and taking 2 extra ones and passing them to us.' Jessica, your best friend, spoke speedily.

'Can't do the dirty work? What are you saying-' you questioned.

'Girl, you couldn't seduce a butterfly if you had to.' Hannah rolled her eyes.

'Why can't I just take the pass from the clipboard then?'

'You'll mess up. You're going to chicken out.' Jessica smirked.

'Whatever then I guess.' you said, not that offended because what they said, was in fact, true.

'Well then, let's get to it.' Jessica said as she made her way to the security guard.

'Well, I guess we just wait until she's done.' Hannah said.


'Y/n, while you're inside, imagine you run into Terushima...'

Your face turned red at the thought.

Terushima...every girl's dream man. The lead singer of Krypton. He's said to be a heart breaker, the usual fucking stereotype of a lead singer of a boy band. He does seem like the careless type...but why am I attracted to that?

But, you couldn't deny his sexiness: his golden bleached hair slicked back, his hot and infamous tongue piercing...and his bold brown green eyes, there to make a statement. I wonder what it's like to kiss him with that tongue piercing...must be heaven. He's always wearing a baggy tank top and slick black jeans, his iconic print. And his diamond cut abs...

He's also his school, Johzenji's, top volleyball player...not as if they were even top notch though...

'Y/n? Are you done daydreaming? You zoned out for a sec there...' Hannah questioned.

You blinked your eyes back to reality.

'Oh, I'm fine...'

She glared at you.

'ANYWAYS, as I was saying, he's hooked up with a million girls, there's no way I'd ever have a chance with him.' Hannah whimpered.

'Don't say never, when we all get inside, he'll bound to fall for you. I mean look at you; you're beautiful blonde hair and hazel eyes, what's not to love?'

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