kagehina: angel (part 1)

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A/N: I really wanted to write an angel/demon AU and I think I've finally found a ship suitable for that... Enjoy!

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"What are the chances he'll run into a demon while he's out there?" a freckled boy asked his blonde companion.

"Demons interact with the human world just as much as angels do," he answered, adjusting his glasses. "I can't believe mortals don't notice."

The freckled boy snickered, "You mean any other mortals," he said.

"Shut up, Yamaguchi," he muttered.

He didn't really like the fact that he was a measly human, because his boyfriend was immortal. He would go on to live forever. Without him. He was scared that- if Yamaguchi loved him as much as he said he did- he would be heartbroken for the eternity that came after Tsukishima's human years.

"You're so smart, Tsukki," the other boy smiled, lovingly looking his way. "I'm happy you noticed I was an angel."

Tsukishima sighed, "Yeah," he replied. "Me too."

Just then, the person they were originally talking about popped into the room, "Is this mundane enough?" he asked, referring to his outfit, his orange hair bouncing as he tilted his head.

"Minus the giant glowing wings, yes," Yamaguchi responded, looking like he wanted to laugh.

Tsukishima nodded in agreement.

"Well, duh. People down there can't see th- Hey! Wait a minute!" the orange-haired boy marched over to Tsukishima, "How come you can see our wings?" he pointed at him, narrowing his eyebrows.

Yamaguchi snorted, "He's special," he boasted. "He noticed something about me when I was down on Earth and then the Heaven's creatures were revealed to him. Meaning me. Oh, and you too, Hinata."

"Oh," Hinata said. "I forgot you guys were in love and all that mushyromantic stuff."

Tsukishima's cheeks grew a little pink, "Shut up and go," he rolled his eyes. "Earth is waiting for your annoying ass."

Hinata laughed, the noise was as bright as his smile always was, "Alright, bye lovebirds!" he replied in a sing-song voice.

Yamaguchi laughed and waved goodbye, putting a wing around Tsukishima as he became more embarrassed.

- - -

So this is Earth, huh? Hinata thought to himself as he walked along a dirt trail.

It was kind of plain, compared to the Heavens, but it was someplace Hinata had never been to before, so that made it far more exciting than it probably was for humans.

He soon reached an area with a lot of buildings. He now understood why Yamaguchi had told him that Earth wasn't only physically in-between the Heavens and Hell, but looked it too. They were dark- though certainly not as dark as the buildings in Hell- and mostly grey. Grey was the shade between the light white of the Heavens and the dark black of Hell.

Earth is a dull grey, Hinata noted.

He continued walking, bringing himself closer to the buildings. Since this was his first time on Earth, he wasn't meant to do anything except explore the place. Yamaguchi had mentioned that he and Tsukishima had had their first date on Earth, in a nice little shop where they sold yummy treats. He'd called it a café.

So, Hinata was planning on finding a place like that.

As he wandered into the city, he spotted a lot of animals on leashes. He wondered if that was legal.

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