sakuatsu: benefits

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A/N: I have a little more of a spicy oneshot for you guys today... So, um, yeah 😋

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"Fuck, Omi," Atsumu whimpered as the other man teased him.

"Hmm?" Sakusa responded, in a playful questioning tone.

Atsumu squirmed as Sakusa's gloved hand wrapped around him, rubbing at a pleasurable pace, "Omi," he let out.

Sakusa pulled his hand away, causing the other man to whine in frusteration, "What is it, Atsumu? Use your words," he told him.

"I want you to- fuck, Omi- please," he tried to get out, as Sakusa ran his hands down Atsumu's sides.

"Use your words," Sakusa repeated.

Atsumu glanced around his shoulder to see the other man, "Please- please just fuck me already," he whimpered, his eyes begging.

"Good boy," Sakusa praised, bringning his hands down to Atsumu's ass.

They weren't exactly friends- teamates, yes- but their relationship had plenty of benefits. Except for kissing. They'd never kissed, and Sakusa was planning to keep it that way.

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The MSBY Black Jackals were a good team. Sakusa knew this. He knew everyone on the team was good at what they did- even if he never really complimented them aloud. But, man, they could also be chaotic as hell.

"Hinata! Come get a popsicle before they melt!" Bokuto shouted from across the living room.

"Coming!" the short man responded, rushing over to get a popsicle.

The team was located at Miya Atsumu's apartment. Yes, Sakusa felt slightly awkward, knowing that not too far away there was a bedroom where he and the owner of this apartment had done... well, stuff. Stuff that no one else on the team knew about- and hopefully would never know about.

They had gathered here to hang out, if you could even put it that way. Sakusa wasn't sure he wanted to be there. He wasn't hanging out with anybody. It was mostly Hinata and Bokuto who were exploring Atsumu's apartment and talking at a speed that Sakusa could hardly comprehend.

"Hey, Omi-Omi," a voice behind him spoke.

Sakusa sighed and turned his body on the couch to face Atsumu Miya, "What?" he asked.

"Nothin', just wanted to say hello," he answered, leaning on the back of the couch, directly behind Sakusa.

"You never just want to say hello."

Atsumu grinned, "What d'ya mean, Omi?" he questioned. "I'm doin' that right now."

Sakusa rolled his eyes, though tried to make it look unnoticeable, "You're acting strange," he commented. 

"I'm acting as normal as I could ever possibly act around you," he pointed out.

"Maybe," Sakusa replied. "But you're too close to me. People might find that odd."

Atsumu smirked and leaned closer over the back of the couch, "Really? We've been much closer before. I don't think they'd care," he said, looking into Sakusa's eyes.

"Atsumu," he warned, inaling sharply. "You're too close."

"For your liking? Or for us to seem suspicious?"

Sakusa exhaled, "Both."

"Alright," Atsumu said, backing away.

He respected Sakusa's personal space, which was somthing Sakusa liked. It made him feel like people listened to him- even if those people were just Atsumu and Atsumu alone.

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