asanoya: picnic

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"Asahi-san?" Nishinoya Yuu called to his boyfriend from the other room.

"Yes, Nishi?" the slightly older (but much taller) man responded.

Noya's head popped into the office-like room where Asahi was planning out a blueprint for his next clothing line release. "You've been working so hard lately!" he exclaimed, coming to wrap his arms around his lover. "Do ya wanna go on a nice date or something?"

The long-haired brunette sighed, "I would love to but..." he began, trailing off in thought.

"But what, Asahi-san?" Noya asked, his eyebrows creasing in worry.

Asahi turned to look at him, "You can stop calling me that, you know," he told him. "Just call me Asahi."

Noya grinned, his eyes practically lighting up, "Really? I've been wanting to stop being so formal," he laughed. "Hey! Don't change the subject!"

"Oh," Asahi blinked. "I didn't mean to. I was just going to say that I really need to get this work done."

He shorter man pouted and slouched, leaning into Asahi's back, "Okay..." he said, disappointment laced in his tone. "Can we go on a date when you're finished though?"

"Of course we can," Asahi replied softly.

"Thank you, baby," Noya said, his grin back on his face. "Work hard." He kissed his boyfriends cheek- or what he could reach of it, at least- then left the man to his designing.

- - -

A couple days later, they were unloading their things from the back of their car. Asahi had finished his clothing design and wasn't going to break the promise he's made to his boyfriend.

"Look at this view!" Noya exclaimed, looking out over their neighborhood below. "Hey, there's our house!"

He pointed excitedly in the direction of their little building. Asahi smiled to himself because it was adorable how excited he was. He was so in love with Nishinoya Yuu.

"Can you get the picnic blanket?" Asahi asked. "It's stuck under the basket with the food."

Noya skipped over, "Pick up the basket, I'll get the blanket," he told the taller man.

Asahi did as suggested and Noya successfully retrieved the checkered blanket. He found a dry, flat section on the ground nearby and placed the blanket down for them to sit on. Asahi brought the basket over and went back to close the trunk of their car.

They'd chosen to go on a picnic as their refreshing after-work date. Neither of them had really ever been on a picnic date- or just a picnic in general- before. They were each other's firsts for that, as they had been for many other things before.

"This is fun," Noya grinned, watching his boyfriend as he sat down beside him.

Asahi was feeling very happy, so he leaned over and kissed Noya lovingly. "I love you," he told him.

Noya smiled, "I love you too," he replied, sweetly kissing him back. "Now let's eat some food please, I'm really hungry."

The brunette chuckled softly, and opened the basket. He pulled out some sandwiches and handed one to Noya. They ate in a comfortable silence and watched over the neighborhood. It was somewhat romantic- it would be more so if there was a sunset or sunrise. It was the middle of the day so that wouldn't be happening any time soon.

"This is really good," Noya said as he chewed, food muffling his speech a bit.

"I made it last night so it's kind of fresh," Asahi replied, swallowing a bite.

Noya thought about something, "Oh, so that's why you smelled like bread when we fucked last night," he realized.

"Nishi!" Asahi exclaimed, face turning a shade of red.

"What? It's not like there's anyone around to hear me," he responded, smirking towards his boyfriend. "Plus, I think if anyone heard about the monster dick I got they'd only be jea-"

"Stop!" Asahi interrupted, blushing furiously now, trying to hide his embarrassment by taking a sip of lemonade.

Noya grinned, tilting his head, "You get so flustered, it's cute," he commented.

Asahi took a dramatically aggressive bite of his sandwich. Noya laughed so hard he fell over.

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