ukatake: "dating" (part 2)

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The game was good- Karasuno won.

The whole team was exhausted by the time they got back to the hotel. Everyone bid everyone else goodnight and tiredly went to their shared rooms.

Ukai was yawning an awful lot as he opened the door to the couples suite with his keycard. Takeda followed behind him, eyes already sleepy.

"Get into something comfortable before you fall asleep this time, yeah?" Ukai said to the shorter man.

Takeda glanced up, looking half-asleep, "Oh," he replied. "Yeah."

Digging through his backpack, Takeda found some lounge clothes to wear- a long-sleeved shirt and sweatpants. Ukai looked through his too and went off to the bathroom to change.

When Ukai came out of the bathroom, the brunette man was already under the covers of the bed, with his face snuggled into one of the pillows. Ukai sighed and stuffed his work clothes into his bag. Then, he got under the covers and joined Takeda in the comfort of the bed.

It was soft. No wonder Takeda had fallen asleep so easily. Ukai turned his back away from the other man, to give him some privacy as he slept. He yawned once more and closed his eyes.

- - -

In the morning, Ukai was woken by the the bright sun beaming through the uncovered window. They must've forgotten to close the curtains last night.

He made an attempt to move and get out of the warm bed, but he was stopped by a weight holding him down. Glancing down at his body, his eyes widened when he saw that Takeda was cuddled up, with his head nuzzled into Ukai's chest.

Oh, Ukai thought to himself. He's... cute. Why's he cute?

Ukai found himself noticing that one of his arms was wrapped around the smaller man, and that hand was holding his waist. Ukai wasn't sure what to do, and he was even more unsure when the teacher made a soft noise in his sleep and grabbed Ukai's shirt in his free hand.

Well then, the confused man thought. I guess I'll let him sleep.

It had only been a few minutes of letting him sleep, because Takeda soon woke up on his own. He blinked his sleepy eyes open and whipped his head up when he realized he was resting on somebody's chest.

"G'morning, Teach," Ukai said with a slight smirk.

That's when Takeda discovered that Ukai's morning voice was probably going to be the death of him.

His eyes widened in surprise, "I- um, I... Good morning to you too," he rushed out, cheeks turning pink.

They were very close- much closer than Takeda would've usually been comfortable with. But he supposed that after many hours of being stuck nicely to the other man's chest, it was fine.

"You wanna head down for breakfast now? I think the team should be awake by now," Ukai asked, eyes darting around every feature of the teacher's face.

Takeda's eyes did the same, but they kept darting back to the man's lips, "Uh- sure, yeah," he answered, voice a whisper.

He was distracted by Ukai's face. It was really attractive. In pretty much every way.

"Alright, then can you get off of me so we can get going?" Ukai asked, an amused tone in his voice.

Takeda's eyes darted back up to the other man's eyes, "Oh! Yeah, of course," he responded, eyes wide from mild embarrassment.

Ukai chuckled as Takeda sat up and crawled off of him. He watched him, and tried to ignore the feeling of something missing.

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