kenhina: carnival

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"C'mon, Kenma!" Hinata said, pulling his friend along by the arm.

Kenma let Hinata drag him along the pathway. Hinata let go of his arm and stopped when they reached a spinning bucket ride.

"Can we go on this one?" Hinata asked, a hopeful look in his eyes.

Spinning rides made Kenma a bit nauseous, but it was nothing he couldn't handle, "Make sure you're tall enough, Shoyo," he teased.

Hinata pouted, ignoring his friend's response. He marched right up to the line of people who were waiting to get on, Kenma following close behind. The ride stopped, people getting off, and the person running it began to let new people on. Hinata and Kenma were soon at the front of the line, and there were still three available buckets.

"Hey, hun," the ride operator greeted Hinata. "Let's just do a height check to make sure you can get on."

Kenma nudged Hinata's side playfully, to which the shorter boy rolled his eyes. He walked over to the measuring chart, looking at Kenma as if to ask him "Well? I'm tall enough, aren't I?"

"You're way too short for it, Shoyo," he said, shaking his head. "I told you so."

Hinata whipped around and smacked a hand on the measuring chart, "I was right here! That means I'm tall enough," he said, pouting.

The ride operator nodded, "Yup, are two riding together?"

Kenma nodded.

"Alright, go right ahead."

Hinata took Kenma's hand in his- both wearing grey mittens to protect their fingers from the cold- and pulled his over to the buckets, "Should we get in the red one, or the blue one? Oh! What about that orange one over there?" Hinata asked, glancing at Kenma for an answer.

"The orange one," Kenma replied. "It's the same color as your hair."

Hinata smiled, "Okay!"

- - -

Kenma was sure that going on a spinning ride wasn't a good idea. It made him far too dizzy and nauseous for his liking.

"That was fun," Hinata said, once they'd gotten off and gone to a bench in a nearby area of the carnival.

Kenma nodded, "Not so much for me," he told him.

"Oh no- are you feeling dizzy?"

"Yeah," Kenma answered quietly. "But I'll be fine soon. I just need a minute."

Hinata hummed and swung his legs back and forth over the edge of the bench. Kenma watched him. He saw a snowflake land gently on a part of Hinata's hair. Then another one on his cute nose. And another on his eyelashes.

"It's snowing," Kenma told him.

Hinata looked up at the sky, "It is?" he asked, excitement laced in his tone.

Kenma nodded, "Some snowflakes fell on your face," he replied.

Hinata shot him a wide smile, "Really? Were they pretty? Snowflakes are so pretty," he said, going back to stare at the blue sky.

"They were pretty," Kenma agreed. Just like you, Shoyo.

- - -

After Kenma had taken a moment to rest, they got back up and made their way to wherever Hinata wanted to go next. By then, there was a thin coat of snow on the bricked pathway of the carnival grounds.

"Do you feel like eating something?" Hinata asked.

They're hands were together again, mittens still on each of them.

"Sure," Kenma answered. "Maybe just a snack though."

Hinata nodded, "Okay, how about..." he looked around, a sweet shop catching his eye. "Cotton candy?"

Kenma squeezed their hands as a yes.

Hinata grinned and pulled them towards the shop, weaving through the small crowds of people. Kenma normally wouldn't feel comfortable in these crowds at all. But with Hinata guiding him along, he felt safe.

As they walked through the doors of the sweet shop, they were immediately hit with the smell of popcorn and all the sweet toppings that were available for it.

Being as bold as he often was, Hinata marched right up to the checkout lady, "Hi," he greeted with a friendly smile. "Do you have cotton candy?"

The woman smiled back at him- which everyone normally did, Hinata was a living ball of sunshine. "Yes we do!" she responded, then leaned over and pointed. "It's all right over there, on the left."

Hinata saw it, "Thank you!"

He brought Kenma over to the shelf with the cotton candy buckets, "You wanna share one or each get our own?" Kenma asked, glancing at the other boy.

Hinata thought for a moment, "I don't want an upset stomach," he said. "We can share."

Kenma hummed in agreement, "Yeah," he agreed, picking up a bucket of the fluffy blue and pink treat.

They walked to the checkout, handing the lady from before their purchase, "I'll pay 'cause you bought lunch, okay?" Hinata asked.

Kenma felt bad about letting him pay, but it was just cotton candy, and he had already paid for their pizza lunch. "Okay," he replied.

Hinata paid and they exited the shop. The sweet smell had been almost too much for Kenma to handle, so he was glad when Hinata suggested they go somewhere outside to eat their cotton candy. They found a bench, wiped the coating of fresh snow off of it, and took a seat.

Hinata made a sound of struggle as he failed to get the lid off the plastic bucket, "Why's this so hard to open?" he complained, trying to find a way to open it.

Kenma laughed a little, "Let me try," he said, taking the bucket from his friend.

He examined it and noticed that Hinata had just been missing the colorful part of the container's packaging that said "Open here."

He opened it and held it out for Hinata to take some cotton candy, "Do the different colors taste different?" the orange-haired boy asked.

Kenma shrugged, "Probably not, but I like the blue better."

Hinata laughed, "Really? I like the blue too," he said. "But also the pink- I can't choose. Maybe it's because they're the same."

Kenma laughed and took a chunk of the blue cotton candy from the bucket, then set it back down on his lap. They sat there side-by-side, on the carnival bench, in the light snowfall, letting their cotton candy melt on their tongues.

"Shoyo?" he said, reaching for more cotton candy.

Hinata glanced at him, "Yeah?"

"Is my tongue blue?" he asked, opening his mouth.

Hinata giggled, "It is," he responded. "Is mine pink or red or something?"

Kenma squinted, as if that would make him see the color of the other boy's mouth clearer, "No, I don't think so," he answered.

"Oh," Hinata said. "Well, my mouth is usually pink so that wouldn't be much fun anyways."

Kenma laughed, "Have some blue," he told him.

Hinata smiled, "Okay."

Kenma thought that this was a good day. A nice day. A day he'd like to experience again.

- - -

A/N: Was this cute? I think this was cute 🥰 I love both of them so much.

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