sakuatsu: locker room

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Basically, Sakusa and Atsumu get stuck in the team's locker room together after volleyball practice. It was Hinata's job to lock up for the evening, and it does seem possible that he might do something like forgetting to make sure no one was still in there. Whoops.

TW//Panic Attack

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Sakusa Kiyoomi wasn't a big fan of the volleyball team's changing room. It was a small space and smelled like too much sweat and body odor. But he had to bear it for the sake of his job- which was all about sweaty men.

Oh, and volleyball.

He always tried to take as least time as possible in the room, but today, he was taking longer because he had to be careful with his arm injury. It wasn't a huge pain, but it did prevent him from pulling his cloths off in a rush and putting new ones on. He could still play volleyball, (it was the arm that he didn't spike with), but he had to be mindful of it.

Sakusa also wasn't a big fan of Miya Atsumu. Sure, he cooperated with the guy because it was their job- but, he never wanted to be around him outside of practice.

Unfortunately for him, some idiot, who just happened to be named Miya Atsumu, was currently in the smelly locker room as well. He was probably making it even smellier then it already was.

"Omi," Atsumu began, as he stripped himself of his shirt. "Do ya think that attack thing we just did needs more improvement? Or is it fine the way it is? Because I think-"

"I think it's fine at the moment," Sakusa told him, butting in a little too quickly.

Miya Atsumu's shirt was not currently on. Which meant that his torso was visible. Which meant that Sakusa's raging homosexual side was never going to stop thinking about the shape of his body and his lightly defined abs and his-

Stop, he told himself. You don't even like the man. Quit it.

"Okay," Atsumu replied. "I think that too."

Sakusa nodded very slightly, just so Atsumu would know that he acknowledged his response.

"Everyone else already leave?" the other man asked after a few moments.

"Yes," Sakusa answered. "Hinata's still here, he's locking up today."

Atsumu pulled a non-sweaty, clean t-shirt over his head, "Damn, I'm always the last one in here," he said. "Wait, Omi, ya always leave before everyone else. Why're ya still here?"

Sakusa knew this question was coming, he sighed, "My arm, Miya," was all he said.

"Oh!" the other man realized. "It's slowing ya down?"

"No," he said, not wanting Atsumu to begin talking about taking him off the team for a short while so he can heal.

Atsumu raised an eyebrow, "Are ya sure?" he asked, not believing him.

Sakusa glared at him, "Yes," he insisted.

Atsumu didn't push any further, but it was clear he was skeptical. He was finished changing and had already showered right after practice, so he picked up his duffle bag and went to leave.

"Uh... Omi-kun?"

"What?" Sakusa was getting annoyed.

Atsumu yanked the door handle, it didn't open the door, "It wont open," he told him.

Sakusa rolled his eyes and got up, walking over to Atsumu and the locker room door. He shooed the other man's hand away and gripped the handle, pulling with all his strength and praying that this wasn't a joke where he'd go flying.

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