daisuga: waiters (part 2)

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A/N: This was supposed to be uploaded right after the first part 😭 It took a bit longer than expected- oops. But enjoy... 😏 There's some spicy but nothing too spicy.

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Sugawara Koushi could now say- after a month and a half- that he had fallen for Daichi Sawamura.

For a month and a half after they'd met, they had kept in touch and hung out together whenever they were free. Sometimes at the café they went to the first time, and other times they'd take a nice walk in the local park together. Suga loved doing both.

It had been a bit longer than he had expected, but he could now admit to himself that he really, really liked Daichi. The thing that had convinced Suga, was when the other man had begun resting his feet on Suga's under the café table. Or when Daichi stood a little closer to him than necessary. Those small things had caused Suga to make up his mind. He was fully and very attracted to everything about this man.

His laugh. His humor. His warm smile. His teasing. His voice. His looks. His knowledge. Everything.

Sugawara was in deep.

And what wasn't helping his situation, was that Daichi had invited him over. To his house. They'd never visited each other's homes before, but Suga wasn't about to refuse the offer. Maybe he would get the kiss that he'd been working himself up to doing the past two weeks. He hoped so.

- - -

A few days later- three, to be exact- Suga was ready to enter Daichi Sawamura's home. It was a little nerve-wracking, being able to finally see where the other man spent a lot of his time, but he was ready.

Suga stood outside an apartment building, wearing one of his favorite outfits. He took a deep breath.

Everything's gonna be fine, this isn't any different than all the other times you've hung out with him, he told himself.

But it was. At least to Suga, it was.

He took one last breath and marched right up to the apartment. It was all a blur, really. He'd led himself right up to where Daichi's room was located, not really minding anything going on as it happened. Soon, he was standing at the other man's door, it was open, and Daichi was greeting him.

"Hey, Suga," he smiled, opening the door further.

The lighter-haired man swallowed, "Hi," was all he could manage to say.

"Come in," Daichi suggested, beckoning Suga inside his home.

Suga listened and slide inside, Daichi closing the door behind them.

"This is a nice place," Suga noted, looking around at the black furniture and white details. "Very... minimalistic."

Daichi laughed, "I wouldn't really say every room is minimalistic, though," he responded. "My bedroom is a disaster."

Suga laughed a bit, his eyes crinkling at the corners, "Mine too, don't worry," he said. "Can you, um- show me your bedroom?"

"Oh, yeah- of course!" Daichi answered, leading them down a hallway, towards it.

A moment later, they reached the doorway, "Well, it doesn't look that bad," Suga told him, peeking inside.

Daichi made a noise that reflected some embarrassment, "That's 'cause I cleaned before you got here..." he said quietly.

Suga smiled at him, "You didn't have to do that, Daichi."

Daichi noticeably flushed a pinker color, "It's no big deal, I wanted things to be nice for you," he replied. "Because you're... nice."

There were butterflies in Sugawara's stomach. He laughed sweetly at the darker-haired man's words and entered the bedroom.

It was pretty simplistic, just like the black and white kitchen and living room area was. But the bedroom was filled with more things, meaning there were more colors decorating the room. The walls were grey, but somehow it didn't make the space look boring. In the corner, Suga could see a navy blue beanbag chair, with a green-covered book sitting in it. On the shelves, there were plenty of books and one cute artificial plant that sat amongst them. It was a comfortable-looking place.

"I like it," the lighter-haired man spoke, eyes darting to every spot of the room.

Daichi smiled, "I'm glad," he responded.

- - -

An hour later, they were practically cuddling.

They had talked, and gotten comfortable, and even had a cup of coffee from Daichi's seemingly endless stash together. All of that led to them seating themselves on Daichi's bed and relaxing, growing physically closer by the second.

Now, they were side-by-side on the bed, shoulders and legs pressed together. They were leaning against the headboard. Mugs that were once full of warm coffee sat on the bedside table, no longer being held.

For the past ten minutes, Suga had been thinking about whether or not he should just go for it, and grab Daichi's hand to hold it. He wasn't going to, he decided. But he was going to do something else- or ask for it, at least.

"Daichi?" Suga whispered, glancing at the man beside him.

He turned his head, "Yeah?" he whispered back.

"Um..." he was getting hesitant now, the nervousness was taking over. "Can we kiss?"

Daichi's eyes widened, but he didn't move away, "Oh- uh," he tried to speak, but wasn't sure what to say. "Yes."

That simple agreement caused Suga to twist his body a little and look Daichi in the eyes. He didn't want to wait any longer, but he also didn't want to rush things. He placed a hand on the other man's shoulder and his eyes fell to his lips.

"Are you sure?" Suga asked softly, already leaning in.

Daichi nodded ever so slightly, "Yeah, I'm sure," he whispered in reply.

Suga didn't hold back. He grabbed Daichi's face with his other hand and brought their lips together. His mind couldn't believe this was happening. After a short moment, Daichi pressed his lips right back against Suga's.

Passionate was one word to describe it. Hot would be another. After almost no time at all, Suga boldly flicked his tongue across Daichi's bottom lip, causing the other man to part them and let Suga kiss him deeply.

Suga was in control. He liked being in control- when it came to kissing. But after a while, he liked being the submissive one more. So, he let Daichi know that by letting go of his power and leaving all the kissing up to the other man.

Daichi became dominant more quickly than Suga had expected him to. He brought his hands down to the lighter-haired man's waist, squeezing it affectionately. Suga moaned a little. Daichi smirked into the kiss. Suga whimpered. He'd had no idea what to expect from Daichi, but the man turned out to be more experienced than he'd imagined.

Eventually, Daichi pushed Suga back to lie on his bed, placing himself between the smaller man's thighs. Suga's hands came to wrap around the back of Daichi's neck, as the man began littering hickeys on his own.

Suga moaned again, panting heavily, "D-Daichi," he said, because it was all his mind was filled with right now.

"Hm?" Daichi responded, kissing all along his neck and collarbone. "What is it?"

God, his voice is so hot when he's like this, Suga thought to himself.

"Daichi," he said again, wrapping his legs around the waist of the other and looking into his eyes. "I- I really like you."

The darker-haired man smirked and placed a more gentle kiss on Suga's cheek, "I like you too," he replied. "Really."

Suga thought that this might be the best day of his entire life. So far. He was sure the days coming would be even better, if they were with Daichi.

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