Chapter 7

15 2 2

TW: abuse 

Sorry for any grammatical errors :>


Kye and I walked down the hand in hand when out of the blue Ryan came around the corner. I ripped my hand from Kye's , he looked down at his hand then the ground. 

He looked up at me with tears brimming.

He turned around and started walking in the other direction. I reached out to him but Ryan grabbed my hand and pulled me away from him. 

What I don't understand was why. Why did I do that, I really didn't have a good reason as to why, and right after I said I wouldn't be embarrassed to be with him. 

It's was for his protection I wish I could explain but I don't know how. I don't know how.


I'm such an idiot. I really thought he meant it, I really did. But when he ripped his hand out of mine when Ryan came hurt. Of course I had to leave with tears instead of walking away with my head held high, I just couldn't do it .

When I finally got to Sam's room I was still trying not burst into tears but it clearly wasn't working with all the stares I've gotten on my way to the room .

I knocked on the door but she didn't answer so I tried again and again, and eventually started banging with quite a bit of my strength. It seemed to work but it wasn't Sam who answered. 

It was someone who probably was here before I just didn't take notice of, that happened a lot but we don't speak of that. 

"It was a guy, he wasn't just cute, he was hot." I thought to my self.

I must've said the last bit out loud and he scoffed. 

"I'm not just hot, I'm the hottest person you'll ever see!" He told me.

I blinked and realized that this was the wrong room.

He looked down at me and smiled.

I nervously looked down and said "I'm sorry. I promise that I didn't mean to disturb you. Please don't be mad."

He shook his head, his hair was blond and looked fluffy kind of like Ryders but softer.

He smiled at me again and the smile was contagious so I slowly smiled back.

He the asked me what I was doing, at least I think he did I so to busy staring into his. 

Blue eyes? 

Then I was snapped back into reality. He was asking for my name.

"I-it's Kye." I nervously stuttered.

He flashed his pearly white teeth and said " Well Kye do you maybe wanna come in? I think it would be better instead of standing out in the hallway."

I looked down again with a faint blush on my cheeks.

He suddenly gasped and I looked up at him with a worried expression. But all he said was "I almost forgot that I haven't told you my glorious name."

I laughed and he looked over at me with a shocked expression.

"Are you laughing at me!" He exclaims.

I quickly shake my head no, not wanting to make him mad because he seems like he could crush me with a tiny squeeze.

He laughs and says "Well my names Finn and would you please come in."

I nodded and stepped inside of the room.


O1 and O2 are currently standing outside of my room and Ryan is still here sitting across from me.

He smiles at me and says "Now Ryder. Please come here I won't hurt you."

I wince and remember the scars I have now because of him and his mother. 

He catches the wince and smiles. He pats the space next to him, I slowly walk over to him and he yanks on my arm to pull me down. I let him because I don't have Kye to look forward to, I feel that he won't come back to me. Not after this I've messed up way to many times for this to be forgiven.

Ryan pulls my head to face him and he smiles slowly. He says that I won't get hurt if I just let Kye go and stay here with him.

I blink and shake my head no and rip out of his grip. Ryan frowns and slowly gets up reaching for something. My eyes widened as he calls for O1 and O2.

They grimace and look at me apologizing with their eyes for what they're going to be made to do .

I start to shake and O1 and O2 lay me on my back with my shirt off. Ryan then lifts his arm and brings it down. I scream and it seems that  everyone in this place can hear, everyone but Kye. 


The room was surprisingly clean although there was a punching bag in the corner extremely beat up, like Ryder's. I shake my head and say to myself "Stop thinking about him! You don't need him!"

But I couldn't hold it in anymore. I burst into tears just as Finn shuts the door.

His eyes widened and he came running towards me. He picks me up and wraps me into a hug, the hug was very comforting. 

He started to shush me and proceeded to ask me what was wrong. 

"I -I," was all I could muster. 

I pushed him away and Finn just stood there. I then calmly asked if it was ok if I left. Finn nodded and showed me to the door.


I was crying and O1 and 2 were trying to do all they could to help the pain go away but it just wouldn't. 

I think once Kye left in tears I just broke.

All I wanted to do was sleep or beat something, but I couldn't even move my feet, everything hurt. 

O1 and 2 were trying to keep me awake but my eyes kept fluttering shut. 

A single knock on the door rang out through the room and O1 went to answer it to see a tear stained Kye. 

He ushered him in and my eyes fluttered towards him and I smiled. He came rushing over and saw the marks on my back knowing that these would add to my many others.

He grabbed my hand and put his lips against it. I smiled at him and said "I really did mean it I would never be embarrassed of you." 

Kye just nodded and looked away. Then everything went black.

This was hard to write but I hope y'all's like the new character Finn (Don't worry there will be more character development you just have to wait) Sorry that it's been a long while since I've written but I had bad writers block but anywho hope it was good!


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