Chapter 1

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I have always been considered strange. My so called parents say it's because of my eyes. My eyes are green while everyone else in my city/town  has either blue or brown. The government says that everyone is equal and no one should be more special than the others. Everyone in this town has lived by those rules, we all have the same house with the same color, the same types of food, same type of transportation, a bus, the same cloths too, although that one is a little bit harder to follow so we really don't it's just the sizes but colors are all the same.

Yeah pretty boring all the girls have the same hair and you are only allowed two kids and none above or below. So pretty boring . 

Now that's out of the way. My name is Ryder Prince and in a way you can say that this is my story .

My parents never " neglected" me, because they couldn't.  So with that in mind they would always try and hide me away when daily inspections came along. Or they would force me to wear contacts. I didn't really mind it, I always just thought it was for my protection.

False. It never was my parents were disgusted with their only son. Even the neighbors were disgusted. I could never play with the other neighborhood boys. People said it was because I might carry a virus or I'm just plain sick.

I've always been told I've been sick, even if I was perfectly healthy. My whole life is a joke to me, well more like a dream that I won't ever wake up from.

One day in my life stood out and it was one I would never forget. It was a daily inspection and my parents were tiding up the house(it was already extremely clean, so clean the floors shined) when the knock on the door came. As soon as the knock came they looked around and saw little ole me sitting in a chair doing nothing but sitting.

They freaked out.

While my father (Randy) was getting the door my mother(Mandy) cleaver I know) was quickly brushing my hair ,teeth and tidying up my clothes. It was quite the sight to see. The only thing she didn't get to do was put the contacts in. She sighed heavily and told me "Whatever you do, do not speak unless spoken directly to, and the most important thing don't, I mean don't look up." Threatening I know. But me being the  small child I was did as she said.

The officers that were doing the inspection saw me immediately and told me to state my name, age , and eye color. This is what I told the officer "Ryder Prince, 6, and green sir." My parents looked at me in horror. "Green.." the officer repeated. I nodded my head yes. The officer then grabbed my arm and with me screaming for my "mommy and daddy." They took me to the House of color(that's what the people called it because it's the only house with color.)

By then I had stoped crying and screaming. I looked up at the house and squinted at all the bright colors. The officer that held my arm yanked me into the door and into a brightly lit room. The other officer(let's just say o2) knocked on the biggest door I had ever seen. A surprisingly high pitched voice came through the door and told O2 to enter.

O1(the officer who had my arm in a death grip) just stood there. I suddenly mustered up some of the small courage I had and asked O1 "What's going to happen to me?" The only thing I got out of O1 was a grunt. Then the door opened and O2, who had a cut  on their forehead and was bleeding, nodded their head and O1 practicality dragged me into the room and I was met with the shortest women I had ever seen.

She looked me over and frowned when she saw my eyes. I gulped and tried to smile. She slapped me across the face and said "No disgusting person will smile at me." Suddenly a spout of rage came to me and as badly as I wanted to let it out I did not. 

Then she asked me my name and age. I told her and she looked at me, spun on her heel and sat down on the fluffiest chair, again I have ever seen. She put her chin on her hands and smiled sweetly and asked me how I was doing.

I looked at her strangely and said "I'm doing just fine. How are you?" 

She told me the same thing and quickly told me that I wasn't going to see my parents for a very, very long time. I nodded my head and said "But why exactly?" She frowned, and got up slowly. She grabbed a vase from the huge desk she was sitting at.

She then asked me " Did your parents ever teach you to only speak if spoken directly to?" I answered her question with a squeak and she threw the vase at O1. Even if it seemed that O1 had cat like reflexes, O1 just stood there and the vase hit right in the crotch area.

Surprisingly O1 didn't even flinch.  O1 just stood there with a straight face even though O2was going to have to comfort O1 and to each other as they did every night. 

She looked directly at me and said "I will be your new teacher and I do not tolerate any mistakes." Then she smiled sweetly again and told O1 and O2 to put me in dorm room 1. They both flinched as soon as we walked out of the room. I was trying not to think of what was to become of me just because of my green eyes.

When O1 and O2 left I curled up in a ball, cradling my cheek and cried. Wondering  how long I would be here for. Little did I know that I  would be here for 10 years.

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