Chapter 3

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It's been 9 years and I had just turned 15. Kye and I have stuck it out for a long time getting as you could say "closer" each day because of the punishments I would endure. They made me feel stronger even if I was self conscious about the scars they left behind. 

With Kye I really don't know what's happening because I think I like him more than just a friend but I can't even understand my own feelings. It hurts when I see him with other people like Sam. 

Sam is everything I'm not. She follows the women's rules and is shy and she is surprisingly strong and smart. So everything I'm not(expect for the strong thing I train my self everyday) what makes it even worse is that he when she is around he  doesn't acknowledge me.

I understand that though I mean I'm a guy and he is a guy it's against the rules and that's why we are here, to get us shaped up to the rules. It's honestly quite funny because I won't ever follow these rules that cast me out. Now the women she has been getting quite old and frankly I don't think she will last any longer. Don't get me wrong I'm excited for that moment, it's just her son...

Ryan, he has been coming every day lately and is learning from his mom everything he needs to know. He is worse than his mother is what I'm getting at. The way he just stares at me when I'm getting "punished" is extremely lustful. 

When Ryan comes to power I know for a fact that he will abuse that power. That is the only thing that scares me anymore. 

One day out of no where Ryan comes over to me as I'm eating the dreaded spaghetti and asks me if I'm free later. I look at him and smile and tell him that I was just going to the gym later. He smiles right back and leaves, I release the breath I was holding and look over at Kye. He was clutching his fork in a death grip that had his knuckles going white.

"Woah, Kye what did that poor fork ever do to you?" I ask him with sarcasm basically dripping off the sentence.

He looks down and releases the fork and told me " Ryder don't go there today please." 

I frown " And do what, look at you gushing over Sam. What's the point!" I snap.

He looks at me  with a surprised expression and says " When have I been ever gushing at Sam..?" 

"What do you take me for an idiot. I may be stupid but I'm not that dense." I replied with a frown.

He then looks at me and replies with a huge frown "Tu no entendres."  (You don't understand)

I got up and walked back to my dorm room the same one I've had since I was 6years old. I opened the door to see O1 and O2 kissing desperately. I blinked and shut the door, they jumped and quickly spread apart. I have grown quite found of these two men who took me here.

They looked at me and looked at each other saying "You didn't see anything Ryder." I laughed and walked over to my dresser which only had a pair of everything. I took out my gym clothes which consists of shorts and a sleeveless shirt. I told them that I didn't care and wouldn't tell anyone. This was their safe place were they could truly be themselves. I guess you could say they were more like my parents than my actual parents were. I walked out and headed to the gym.


When Ryder told me I was gushing over Sam I internally screamed I didn't want him to think that. Sam and I were planning a way for me and him to get together. But when Ryan came worry came over me like a wave and planned on drowning me.

When he got up and left I quickly tried to follow him but as years passed he became taller, faster, and stronger than me. When I got to his dorm room and knocked on it it was Soren and his boyfriend to which they thought only Ryder new. I asked them where Ryder was and they told me the gym. My face paled.

I quickly ran to Sam's dorm room for help and surprisingly enough she wasn't there. I threw my hands up and ran them through my hair. I felt I pair of hands grab mine and I slowly turned around.


I hoped that Kye would follow me I never knew that he would get this worried about me. So when I saw him in the hallway gripping his hair tightly I had to go over there .

When he turned around his face warmed, if that was even possible. I frowned and asked him if he wanted to go to the gym with me. 

He nodded his head as fast as he possibly could and I smiled and took his hand dragging him to the gym.

When we got there Ryan was already waiting while doing push-ups(show off.) When he finally noticed we were there he took one look at Kye and said "I didn't know that you would bring this shrimp." I looked down at Kye, he had his head down and his hands down. I glared at Ryan and replied "I can bring whoever I please to this gym." 

Kye looked up at me and smiled, my heart warmed up and started to beat faster. I smiled back and then challenged Ryan to a boxing match, because I felt like it and I hated show offs. He being the person he is accepted the challenge and Kye winced as he said that he accepted since he has seen me with a punching bag(rip all the punching bags I've had.)

We got into the ring and I took my shirt off so I would be able to move better. I looked at Kye and he just stared with his mouth open. My stomach was covered in scars, so was my back, with my back being worse.  I sighed to myself and put on the boxing gloves and started to circle around the ring.

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