Chapter 2

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Trigger warning in this chapter 

he first three days were probably the best three days that I would spend in that place. All that I did for those days was spend them in my room. I never came out. I couldn't, the door was locked and the women placed O1 and O2 in front of the door,thinking I would try and run.

Well I didn't. I was a "good" boy. But every now and then I would get these sprouts of anger and start throwing things and banging on the door. When I did this She would come in and grab my arm and throw me in a closet with little water and no food.

As you can imagine those little "fits" ended and soon I got to go out side of the room. 

Once I was able to get out of the room I saw, surprisingly other boys and girls. I looked around the hall and I saw a sign with no talking. Oh now that's why its so quiet and no one is talking. I followed a group of kids and saw that they were going to the same classroom as I. 

We walked in and She saw me and smiled warmly. She cleared her throat and everyone looked at her. "Class this is Ryder Prince. He will be with us for a very long time." All the boys and girls in the classroom nodded their head.

She then told me to sit down where ever I wanted. The only free seat was in the back next to a black haired boy. I slowly made my way towards him and sat down. He looked up and his eyes was what captured my attention.

His eyes were two different colors, brown and blue. He looked at me strangely and I slowly closed my jaw that I hadn't even knew was open. Then out of no where an anthem played and everyone stood up. I carefully looked around the room and saw that all the kids here had different colored eyes.

I felt my jaw slowly open and everyone looked at me and then She came over. I slowly looked up and she grabbed my hand and had it palm up. She grabbed the boys ruler next to me. She looked at me and said "You will never disrupt my class ever again." With that in mind she brung the ruler down on my hand. I screamed as blood slowly overtook my hand. She smiled and told the class "This is what happens when you disrupt my class." 

Soon the class ended and I was still holding my hand, since it still hurt and was still bleeding. The boy from my class before grabbed my good arm and dragged me to the janitors closet. He told me to show him my hand, I did but with hesitation to what he would do.

He started looking around the closet and he found what he was looking for. A first aid kit, he opened it and took out a cream like substance and a wrapping cloth thing. I hesitatingly asked him for his name. He looked up and smiled, "My name? Well that's easy enough, it's Kye."

"What do you mean by that's easy enough?" I asked him.

"Well since your new this is surprisingly the worst I've ever seen the reina (Queen) do to a kid.  Usually she lets you off nicely . You must have done something that really made her mad." 

I laughed and told him that she never knew I existed until now. All Kye did was look at me and he nodded his head and looked back down at my hand.

"Kye?" As I said his name he looked up and said "Si? Nuevo amigo."(yes?new friend) and with me being me I told him, "what. Are. You. Saying." Kye laughed and said " your hand is good now and I'll see you at lunch." He waved goodbye and me being as stupid I was waved back with my bad hand.


I was a sweating mess when lunch came around. The last class was gym and all we did was run. Kye was in my class and somehow I got in front of him and finished the race first. Everyone gapped at me and told me "no one has ever beaten Kye in a race before!" I looked over at Kye and ran over to him and asked "Did you let me win?"

He laughed and said "No mi pequeño." (No my tiny one)  I tilted my head a little and said " You confuse me.." 

He smiled and ruffled my hair, and he walked back to the locker room. 

I shook my head and walked to the lunch line and frowned. It was spaghetti, I never had spaghetti. My parents thought it was to good for me to eat. I sighed and got the tray and walked over to Kye. He was sitting by himself.  

I sat down and stared at my spaghetti. "Ryder? Why aren't you eating your food." Was all Kye said.  

" I-I have never had this before.. my parents told me that it wasn't made for kids who are "sick" like me." Kye stared at me and shook his head. "Look Ryder, eat the spaghetti, you are going to need it to heal that hand, and beat me in more races."

I laughed and slowly started to eat my spaghetti. Kye laughed when I slurped up a noddle and the sauce covered my nose. I wiped up the mess and frowned for now my only shirt was stained I winced and wondered what She would do to me now. Kye's eyes widened and he shrunk back into the chair. I looked back behind me and my own eyes widened.

She was standing right behind me with a sweat smile and said " Ryder are you enjoying the spaghetti?" I quickly nodded my head. She frowned and grabbed my "good" hand set it down on the table and pulled a ruler from behind her and slammed it down on my hand palm up. She hit me twice and screamed "I GAVE YOU THIS SHIRT AND THIS IS HOW YOU TREAT IT! THE SECOND HIT IS FOR THIS YOU MUST ALWAYS ANSWER ME WITH WORDS WHEN I SPEAK TO YOU."

I felt tears stream down my face but I didn't make a sound. But as soon as She left Kye rushed me to a bathroom and somehow pulled out a first aid kit and did the same thing he did for my other hand and that was when I knew I had made my first friend.

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