Prank Gone Wrong

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Aoi's POV

I will kill Natsu. I will kill him. Right after I get Ryuu and shove his head down the toilet, Natsu had better go and hide.

I coughed as I lay in bed. Just they wait...

1 day ago

'That bastard Gray graffitied on my face whilst I was asleep again,' Natsu muttered, glaring around the guild looking for Gray. Ryuu who was near overheard him.

'Hello Natsu,' Ryuu said, waving his hand. Natsu looked at Ryuu and then frowned.

'What do you want?' Natsu grumbled. 'I'm not in the mood.'

Ryuu, who couldn't give less of a damn simply smiled. 'I heard that you're angry at Gray,' he said, ignoring Natsu's scowl.

'I can help,' Ryuu said, his smile suddenly devilish. Natsu's scowl calmed.

'The last time you helped me, I ended up getting punched and then lectured,' Natsu said. Ryuu put his hand behind his neck.

'I'll help you get revenge on Gray. Simply tell me what to do,' Ryuu stated. Natsu moved back in shock, his hand over his mouth in surprise.

'Who are you? Ryuu wouldn't just let me boss him around! You imposter!' Natsu accused. For once, the idiot said something smart. Ryuu had no plans of following orders no matter how easy they were to complete.

'Okay, if you don't want my help then you can just do EVERYTHING by yourself,' Ryuu said, walking away casually.

'Okay, okay, wait!' Natsu called. Ryuu smirked, before turning around. That smirk was his just-as-planned smirk.

The two huddled in a deserted part of the guild. 'Okay, so what are your plans?' Natsu whispered.

'My plans? It's your revenge,' Ryuu said, slightly annoyed that all responsibility was shoved onto him. But because Natsu suggested Ryuu doing all the work, it made his plans easier. He did intend to humiliate Gray, and at the same time blame it on Natsu. It was fool-proof if he came up with the perfect prank.

'Okay, I'll work things out. Let's start off by infiltrating Gray's house. We'll set up some small traps and he'll fall into them. Simple and easy,' I explained, making sure Natsu was keeping track. Natsu nodded.

'Okay,' he replied.

The two found themselves heading to Gray's house. Natsu was aiming to get back at Gray. Ryuu was aiming to prank Gray and frame Natsu all for the fun of it.

The pranksters arrived at Gray's house. Naturally, the front door was locked. Ryuu took a handy clip from his pocket, a bobby pin that he hardly used and put it into the lock of the door. After fiddling with it for a while, the door opened with a creak.

'Infiltration successful,' Ryuu mouthed. The room was dark and Natsu fumbled around for the light. He eventually found it and turned it on, looking around the house. It was normal, nothing really standing out.

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