Kazuki Honda

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A/N: Well, I've never put up a picture of anyone so here it is. It's Ryuu by the way(:


Aoi's POV 

Walking through the forest was nice, great exercise and would definitely be great fun. Minus the billions of bugs crawling around, the ferocious yet unknown animals that lurked in the dark and the array of weird plants that infested the area, the forest was a great place.

To die.

Get serious Aoi, thinking positive doesn't help at all. I inwardly groaned as we trudged through the forest endlessly without speech. Why the hell was someone even venturing during these parts of the forest? Were they asking for a death wish? This person had better have a good excuse.

There were so many safer and popular areas in the forest, usually for camping, so why the hell did some mentally challenged person wander through these parts. It boggles me. Really, it does. 

Plus, the sudden awkwardness between the group was adding fuel to the fire. Erza who didn't seem to be infatuated with emotions of some kind like everyone else seemed to have caught on that something was wrong, but didn't ask. Happy was totally oblivious to it but didn't speak because no one else did.

I decided to speak up after a while. The tense atmosphere was really getting to me and so I tried lightening the mood.

'Hey guys, want to hear a joke about butter?' I asked, holding myself back from laughing before giving the answer.

'What?' asked Erza, who seemed to have also grown tiresome of the silence. The others were also keen on hearing judging by their perked ears.

'Don't worry, you'll only spread it!' I continued before lunging into hysterical fits of laughter. I stopped a while later, realising no one was following my lead.

We walked in silence after that.

Erza'a POV 

I appreciated Aoi's attempt at hyping everyone up, but you know. The joke was lame. I couldn't even pretend to laugh.

The others probably felt the same, except Natsu who didn't get it. I tried to boost everyone's enthusiasm this time by discussing the mission.

I stopped walking, everyone turning around, wondering what was up. 'Guys, let's strategically discuss the plan so we'll know what to do,' I said in a leader-like fashion.

I caught Aoi's bright smile and a quick thumbs up at me as she noticed how I tried to get everyone to talk again. They nodded in agreement and we headed to another cave just to ensure further safety.

'Okay guys. We've been walking around like idiots for a while, let's figure out how to do this,' I stated.

Soon, everyone was deep in thought, thinking up a plan.

Aoi's POV

'Do you have a description of the person, Aoi?' questioned Lucy, finally speaking. I nodded.

'The mission paper said it was man 20-30 of age, brown hair and a noticeable feature of his is a large scar that he has on his left cheek. His name is Kazuki Honda,' I said, reading off the lines that I memorised from the papers.

Saying his name caught Ryuu's attention entirely. He gaped at me and I gave him a puzzled look.

'Ryuu?' I asked, causing everyone to look at his direction.

'Kazuki Honda, did you say?' he asked, a wave of recognition washing over his face. I nodded and he leaned back and looked up at the roof of the cave. His smiling facade was broken and he was grimacing without holding back.

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