Any boys?

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Rosabella's POV
My family and I are cracking jokes until my sister gets a smirk on her face, "soooo? Any boys?" and I freeze, I can immediately feel my cheeks heat up as I think of my wolfie.

"Oh Darling, who is it? Who is the lucky vamp?" my mother asks cheerfully.

They are going to hate me. Due to being of direct descendant to the original vamps, and therefore vampire royalty pretty much. I am expected to marry a vampire in order to keep our bloodline pure. So how am I going to tell them about my werewolf boyfriend. I let my eyes wonder the room, subconsciously searching for Jett, only to see him heading our way! What is he doing?!

"Sorry to interrupt but Bel-Rosabella," he corrects himself, "May I borrow you for a second?"

I see my family throwing around confused looks as well as looks of disgust which I ignore and politely excuse myself to follow Jett.

"What are we doing?" I whisper harshly to my boyfriend who looks extremely nervous.

"Erm I may have accidentally told my parents about us."

"You what?"

"It wasn't my fault. My mother noticed me staring at you!"

"Well, at least tell me they don't recognise me."

"I'm sorry Bella but they do. You have to meet them, please don't get angry or upset at anything they say and try to be nice baby?"

"Of course." I state squeezing his hand as we approach his family, I take a deep breath.
Jettson's POV

"So Mom, Dad, Jaycee. I'd like you to meet my girlfriend Rosabella." I feel Bella tense next to me so I squeeze her hand so comfort her.

"So, how did this happen?" My mother asks, my sister is slightly behind my father nervously watching Bella.

"Well, at first we didn't want anything to do with each other, the feud and all, but we got to know each other and she is a really amazing girl!" I exclaim, looking at Bella who just gives me a nervous smile before looking back to my parents anxiously.

"She's an amazing girl even though she devoured our pack?" My father said, quirking an eyebrow at us and I hear Bella sigh.

"Mr and Mrs Chase?" Bella speaks up, "I just wanted to say I'm really am truly sorry about that night, I was young and my humanity was off and I hadn't gained control of my blood lust yet. I'm so so sorry."

"So just because you were young, we should just forgive and forget?" My mother questions Bella and I protectively pull her into my side, squeezing her hand.

"I- I mean well, I." Bella is completely lost for words, I know how sorry she truly is and that she didn't mean what happened.

"You what?" My father questions in a stern voice and I feel a low growl come from the back of my throat as I hold Bella tighter.

"Dad I don't think that-" my sister tries to speak but Dad ignores her and carries on.

"You know what I think? I think that you are a vicious blood sucking beast, with a cold heart and no control." Suddenly the room falls silent as I realise everybody has been listening in on our heated conversation and when I see a small tear make it's way down Bella's face, I lose it.

" Suddenly the room falls silent as I realise everybody has been listening in on our heated conversation and when I see a small tear make it's way down Bella's face, I lose it

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