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Rosabella's POV
Hunger; the one thing that is greater than the negative emotions clouding my brain, all my thoughts are pushed back as they are insignificant to the large amount of hunger I feel. As I'm lying on my bed, finishing my 5th blood bag in the last 5 minutes, I can't help but notice my gums are hurting and I'm struggling to resist the urge to speed over to my friends and rip one of their heads off. The dragons blood running through Danny's veins almost makes my mouth water as it's the strongest type of blood out there and all I can do is sit on the far side of the room and attempt to control my breathing.

 The dragons blood running through Danny's veins almost makes my mouth water as it's the strongest type of blood out there and all I can do is sit on the far side of the room and attempt to control my breathing

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I sit and I watch as they all sit on Satana's bed, chatting and laughing as they are completely unaware of my intense temptation to eat them. I'm almost like a lion watching her prey, waiting and waiting for a moment they are weak until she attacks. I know that I could easily take them but I can't, this angers me. I also know how easy it would be to just flip the switch and brutally kill them without remorse, but I can't. Instead I sit and I watch them all chuckling away as my hunger and need to feed grows.

boom, boom

The sound of their hearts pound in my ears loud enough to be deafening and my ears twitch to the rhythm each time.

boom, boom

My head begins to ache as I feel a potential migraine coming on. I squint my eyes and grimace at each pound and the aches get stronger and stronger.

boom, boom

The louder the beats get, the harder it is to keep the extent of my hunger on the down low. My hands subsequently reach to my head, grabbing tight hold in attempt to ease the headache and to flush out the sound of beating.

 My hands subsequently reach to my head, grabbing tight hold in attempt to ease the headache and to flush out the sound of beating

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boom, boom

I feel a warm tear run down my cheek as I've hit breaking point, I stand ready to attack until I realise the only options for food are my friends and that they are the only people at this school who can actually stand me.

"Hey, Bella are you okay?" Jett asks concerned, but all I can focus on is the sound of his heart and the blood rushing throughout his body. I immediately speed out of the room and down the hall in search of anybody to eat. The tears keep rushing down my face but all I can focus on is the hunger.

I sniff the air as I speed down the corridor in search of someone. I smell and smell until I pick up the smell of warlock blood; it'll do. I stop speeding as I become closer and I walk down the halls until I catch sight of him. Lucky for me the warlock has his nose stuck in a book and isn't paying attention to his surroundings. Quickly I speed down towards him and feel my fangs extend before biting into his neck. He yells out in pain but all I can focus on is the blood, the power and the intense hunger. I try to stop but I can't; I don't want to. Next thing I know his head flies off of his body and rolls on the floor just as I'm being dragged off of him.

Jettson's POV
We quickly spread out to find Bella after she had run from her dorm. I don't know what happened but she looked off; all I could see in her eyes was pain but I know it wasn't emotional. I also noticed her under eye veins appear quickly before she fled.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts by a muffled scream in pain and I immediately run in that direction. To say I'm shocked at what I witness is an understatement. A warlock is being pinned against the wall by Bella who is violently feeding on him. She looks as though she has no intention on stopping so I quickly pull her off him, a loud thump is heard as the warlocks head falls to the floor and Bella turns around defensively, awaiting an attack.

 She looks as though she has no intention on stopping so I quickly pull her off him, a loud thump is heard as the warlocks head falls to the floor and Bella turns around defensively, awaiting an attack

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"Hey, Hey Bella, it's okay it's just me!" I exclaim which snaps her out of it although as soon as her expression softens, it changes to guilt and distraught.

"I-I-I didn't mean to k-kill him! I just- I couldn't stop and he t-t-tasted so good and I j-just was so so hungry and I-I really d-didn't mean to hurt him! I just w-wanted to feed a little

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"I-I-I didn't mean to k-kill him! I just- I couldn't stop and he t-t-tasted so good and I j-just was so so hungry and I-I really d-didn't mean to hurt him! I just w-wanted to feed a little. Y-you believe me right Jett. Cmon J-Jettson you have to believe me! You have to b-believe me Jett!" She was desperately begging me at the end and I feel a tear run down my cheek at the sight.

Without a thought I pull her into a tight embrace, rocking her in my arms slightly while stroking her hair to calm her. I whisper soothing words into her ears as I guide her down the halls towards her dorm. All the while she is still sobbing and begging me to believe her, to which I reassure her that I do each time.

"What happened?" Satana asks as I walk into their dorm with a highly on edge vamp.

"S-Satana I really d-didn't mean to hurt him! I-I was just so so hungry and I-I couldn't stop!"

"Shhh it's okay Rose, it's fine just breathe." Satana soothes her as I head towards the others to explain what happened.

"So what happened?" Blair asks concerned for her friend.

"I found her brutally feeding from a warlock down the halls. He was screaming in pain but her feeding just got more intense. She fed and she fed and eventually she just ripped his head off." Everyone gasps and I hear Griffin and Blair mumble something under their breath.

"What was that?" I ask them and Blair speaks up.

"She's a ripper."

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