A thing for nicknames

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Rosabella's POV ~ Lunch
I head into the cafeteria, closely followed by Jett, Danny and Satana, as we look along our house's table. I spot our friends? and head towards them, sitting in the same place as dinner.

"Sup bitches" Satana greets them as we take our seats and the others all mumble replies.

"I can't believe you already have detention Rosa" Danny exclaims, throwing his hands in the air sarcastically.

"It was worth it to see that old hags face drop after she talked back though" Satana replies.

"Wait hang on. You already have detention?" Albie asks me in shock and I just smirk before nodding my head and pulling out a blood bag from my purse.

"But we've only had two lessons!" He says in confusion while the others all snicker.

"I know but to be fair Fangs what did you expect when you referred to people as food?" Jett says with a small smile tracing his lips, Fuck that's hot.

"I was simply stating my opinion." I say before taking a sip from my blood.

"I-I have no words." Albie states shrugging, gaining a giggle from Coral.

"I still don't understand how you can drink that stuff" Jett grumbles, grimacing at the blood in my hands.

"She's a vampire. Would you rather her desiccate?" Blair says, looking up from the numerous books on the table.

"Desi what now?" Danny asks, confusion all over his face.

"Desiccate; to dry out or dehydrate. Basically if she doesn't get any blood then she will go all grey and veiny." Blair states in a bored tone, as if she didn't just give us the definition of a word off the top of her head.

"Did you just recite the definition to us?" Coral asks in awe.

"Yup did I not tell you that I have a photographic memory?" That makes a lot more sense! We all shake our heads and she just shrugs before returning to her books.

Okay guys well anybody got anything new to share?" Danny asks trying to make conversation.

I'm about to answer before I hear I high pitch giggle heading our way. I glance to see petite girl with long curled blonde hair and huge bright blue eyes. She wear a white dress and pink jewelled headband.

"Hey guys I'm Gwen Adeline, a fairy, and I couldn't help but notice you in my potions class

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"Hey guys I'm Gwen Adeline, a fairy, and I couldn't help but notice you in my potions class. I was wondering if you could teach me some of your spells or perhaps give me some tips. If it's not any trouble that is, it's just I'm still learning and my parents don't enjoy me casting spells in the house so I'm not very experienced, also you looked as though you knew what you were doing and-" she was about to continue rambling to Blair, who looks bored out of her mind, when I cut in.

"Hey tinker belle, take a breathe will ya?" Satana snickers from beside me while the girl looks a little uncomfortable.

"Erm w-well actually my names Gwen" she says timidly while I just smirk.

"She knows that Gwen, you see my girlfriend here just has a thing for nicknames." Jett says with a smile while I just sit in shock. I know we are faking this but why did I get a weird feeling after he called me that. No, stop he's a wolf!

I quickly cover my shocked expression with an emotionless one before answering,

"That's right, see there's, Wolfie/Wolf boy/Mutt, then there's Fire breather, Scaley, Witchy, Demon Bestie/Satan, Angel boy/Mr Holy/Holy boy of angelness, Powerful Abomination and now there's you tinker belle." After finishing, I sip my blood bag why she looks a little scared and some of the others look amused and annoyed.

"R-Right anyways, can you help me?" She asks politely turning back to Blair with a smile who replies with a nod.

"Okay thank you so much, bye guys." She turns and walks while shouting over her shoulder, "By the way you're a cute couple!" and she carries on towards her friends. Jett and I look at each other before turning to the group mumbling 'gross' and 'ew' at the same time.

"I mean you are a cute couple" Satana teases while smirking followed by a punch in the arm by me.
After lunch we head to gym class, just because it's a supernatural school doesn't mean we don't have regular subjects too! I change with the girls in the locker rooms before we head to the field.

"I hope we aren't doing sprinting, I fuckin hate that shit." Blair states as we walk. I smirk before replying,

"You only hate it because you're at a disadvantage being a witch. Satan and I have super speed, Scaley is just permanently happy so she doesn't care, while you doing voodoo witchy woo magic doesn't help with your running." The others laugh while Blair playfully glares at me before flipping me off.

We are snapped out of our conversation by a yell from the field,
"HEY LOOK OUT!" I turn to see a football hit my stomach before I could react, even with my fast reactions. I bend over and wince with pain, winded before rage takes over me. Quickly, I vamp speed up to the boy who through it and pin him against the brick wall with force.

"You shouldn't have done that" I growl before the veins begin to show under my eyes and I feel my fangs extend

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"You shouldn't have done that" I growl before the veins begin to show under my eyes and I feel my fangs extend. I watch his face go pale and I quickly sniff the air, an angel. Before I have chance to actually rip out his throat I'm yanked backwards and feel strong arms wrap around my waist. I recognise the smell immediately, Jett.

"Hey, hey, calm down, shh shh, it's alright, you're fine, everything's fine, calm down, are you hurt?" He whispers into my ear, calming me down, I shake my head 'no' and feel my face shift back to normal but remain in his embrace.

"Okay good" he says before turning towards the angel who is paralysed in fear, "look man I apologise for my girl's temper and for your concussion but if you ever hurt her again it won't be her that you'll have to worry about." He threatens and the angel nods his head before apologising to me and sprinting away.

"Hey, you sure your okay? That was a pretty hard hit to the stomach." He says, a look of concern flashes on his face.

"Yeah I'm fine, I just need some blood." He chuckles at my answer before turning towards the field and walks away but I stop him,

" He chuckles at my answer before turning towards the field and walks away but I stop him,

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"Hey Jett?"

"Yeah Bella?"
Bella? I like it nobody else calls me that.

"Thanks" I send him a genuine smile which he returns before replying,

"Anytime."and he heads to the boys while I find the girls again.

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