Wedding Day

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Requested by ThatOneAwesomeWeirdo

Art by unknown artist

"Oh, sweetie, you look wonderful." Your mother said, helping you get ready for your big day. Yes, your big day. You are getting married. To who? Well, the mosty handsomest of all, Karamatsu Matsuno. 

You were so happy about this day. You still replay that moment in your mind, when he proposed to you at the bridge. That was the exact place where you met him after all. You can't wait to start a life with him. He is everything you ever wanted. 

Karamatsu has always been with you ever since you met him. He's been always there to help you, when you're sick, sad, tired, mad, and happy. He never left your side, and he never will. He has assure you that various of times. 

"Oh Y/N, look at you! How did my daughter get so big?" Your mom said, having tears in her eyes. You look at her and smile brightly. You give your mother a huge hug. "Thank you mom for everything." You said to her. 

"I know you won't need me now that you have a loyal man. Promise me you will visit me after your honeymoon." Your mother laughed, trying not to cry too much.

"I promise." You said, trying not to cry. Suddenly, someone comes in the room, it was your father. He looks at you, amazed by your beauty. 

"My beautful daughter.....oh, how I remember those days when you took your first steps. I remember it as if it was yesterday." Your father said, very emotional by this. You gave your dad a warm hug, letting him know that you will always be his daughter. Soon, it was time. He holds his arm for you to hold, walking your way to the aisle. 

The guests waited and waited. They all started to chat, while you were still on your way. It was very peaceful. But not for Karamatsu.

Karamatsu was sweating nervously. He tried to keep is posture and balanced up. But it was obvious he was freaking out about this. HIs brothers, also known as his men of honor, noticed him shaking. Osomastu, being the closest one to him, whispered to his ear.

"Karamatsu, what's wrong? Why are you shaking?" He whispered.

"I'm s-sorry dear buraza. I'm just...nervous? Anxious? Excited?" Karamatsu asked himself.

"I get what you mean. But there's nothing to worry about. You are about to marry the love of your life. Be happy. After this all ends, you'll get to f-"

"Osomatsu!" Choromatsu scolded at Oso.

That's when the priest came. That meant that everyone had to be quiet. The little children walk in the aisle, leaving flower petals on it's path. Chibita was given the role to be the page boy. Totoko, Nyan-Chan, your best friend, and Homura were your bridemaids. The wedding song was playing, making Karamatsu tense up and getting prepared to see you. 

And there you were.

Everyone looks at you, amazed, with tears of joy. They all were mezmorized by your beauty, in that white dress. Karamatsu, however, not only does he smile and feels his heart almost explode, but cries too. His tears were already streaming down his cheeks, as soon as you appeared. You were beautiful, and Karamatsu couldn't believe he was about to marry a Goddess. This was better than any dream he had of you. This....was real life.

Your father walks you up until you reach the front. Letting go, made you and your father happy, knowing it was time. You look at your handsome lover, who has a big smile planted on his face. You could tell he was happy. You wanted to kiss him already. He was too much for you to handle. The priest begins to talk and gives us time to enjoy this moment. You could hear people tearing up, having to clean their nose various times. That's when it was time to tell the vows:

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