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"Hey guys! Is Karamatsu here?" You asked. You were currently dating Karamatsu Matsuno. You were his next door neighbor. You decided to come and visit him and his brothers. You were now in front of the house, with Choromatsu and Jyushimatsu in the entrance. 

"Uhm....well, you see-" Choromatsu started.

"ARGH! YOU MOTHE-" Osomatsu yelled.

"Stop it!" Todomatsu cried out.

"YOU GET OUT OF THIS!!" Osomatsu yelled.


"Oh no" You gasped. You quickly entered the house. You entered the living room, to which you find Osomatsu throwing fists to Karamatsu. Ichimatsu and Todomatsu tried to stop them, but not wanting to get hurt, they kept a distance. 

"S-Stop!" You shouted. Karamatsu's attention was drifted to you. He looked at you. Osomatsu ignored your call, using this chance to give Karamatsu a huge punch on the nose. The impact of his punch to Kara's face caued Karamatsu to fall on the floor. He holds his face with pressure. He reveals his nose bleeding. You were now pissed. 

"THAT'S IT! STOP IT YOU TWO! THIS HAS GOTTEN TOO FAR!" You shouted. This time, Osomatsu stopped and looked at you. He was panting, and had an intense face. He was seriously pissed. He grunted, and stomped his way out of  the room. He bumped your shoulder, not giving a crap if he was being rude. You could care less about what he did. You were worred about Karamatsu. And the younger brothers. They were all terrified. You walked to where Karamatsu was. 

"Kara, hon, let me see your nose-" You kneeled down. He quickly stands up. 

"n-no no. I will be fine. I just need an aid kit. D-don't worry about me." He said.

"Karamatsu, you are seriously injured. Not only by that punch on the face, but those bruises you have on your arms and cheek." You pointed out. He was about to say something, but went against it. Knowing you, there was no way of convincing you he was fine. You turned around to see the rest scared. 

"Is everyone okay? Did any of you get hurt?" You asked. They all nodded, saying they are fine. You asked Choromatsu for the aid-kit. You put Karamatsu to sit down and relax his muscles. He was not in any good condition to move. He was seriously badly injured. 

After stopping his nose from bleeding too much, you helped him get in his room. The rest of the  brothers decided not to bug you and Karamatsu. So they stayed downstairs. Entering the room, you laid on the couch. You make Karamatsu lay with you. He was confused by this, but he still did what he was told. You positioned yourself, sitting up, with him on your body. Usually, you would be the one on top of him, but not today. Once he positioned himself in a comfortable position, he relaxed and let out a deep sigh. He was clearly stressed out by the fight he had with Oso. 

Karamatsu's face was leaning onto your chest, using his arms to hold your waist. You hugged him, by his shoulders, your lips touching his forehead. His breathe was soothing, and calm. You wanted to make him comfortable. So you put your fingers in his hair, scratching his scalp. With this, he gave out a small groan. He was enjoying this. His groan was like a purr, from a cat being patted. It was....cute. 

You continued to do so, making him more sleepy and relaxed. You kiss his forehead softly, sowing him your affection. He loved it. He loved those soft lips of yours, touching his skin. He wanted more. And in a way to ask for more, he groaned loudly. At first you didn't understand what he meant. But then he groaned more loudly. Then you got the message. You giggled. It was adorable. He acted like a baby. 

You kissed him again on his forehead. And again, and again, and again. You kissed his face repeatedly until he was satisfied. When you stopped, you could see his goofy smile and the blush he had across his face. He loved your kisses a lot. 

He raises his head, leaning it in your hair, on your shoulders. His warm breathe tickled your neck. It was soothing. And all you could hear him say was three words, "I love you." 

You blushed heavily. You tried not to nervously freak out. His breathe had a huge affect on you. You did't know how to react. Karamatsu could sense your nerves to which he chuckles. Again, his chuckles made your skin tingle. You were incredibly sensitive. Goosebumps were exposing it to Karamatsu. 

"Is my beauty queen sensitive? Or is she just shy?" He teased. You were embarrassed, bashful and in love. He just had to be so perfect. He chuckled once again, raising his head, and laying it on your chest once again. He gives you a smirk. You gave him a pouty face. He chuckles once again, and gives you a kiss on the lips. 

"I love you Y/N~" He said.

"I love you too Karamatsu~" You said.

He closes his eyes, and breathes heavily. You knew he was now going to take a nap with you. You loved taking naps with him. Having to cuddle with him. But before he fall asleep, you needed to ask him something.

"Karamatsu, why were you and Osomatsu fighting about?" You asked. This made Karamatsu open his eyes. His eyebrows raised in distress. And he looked seriously pissed about Osomatsu. It has to be a good reason for that.

"He was being selfish. He tried to sell my guitar to someone so he could waste the money on pachinko. Then he insulted my style and amazing fashion. I got mad so I told him he shouldn't just waste it for himself, but for everyone, and that he was being a greedy asshole. To which he mentions that I am a pussy for trying to impress you with my lame accesories, saying that all I want is to fuck with someone. Thats when I immediately punched him." He explained. 

"Pfft- Osomatsu is such a dumbass. He doesn't know the truth. And he never will. Because only you and I know what it means to love. Besides, I don't love you for your fashion and stuff. Really. When we first dated, all I could think of how responsible, kind, and honest you were to others. Especially with those in need and are alone. And that is kindness and respect. And you show love to even those who despise you. And I love you for that." You said, kissing his forehead again. 

"Hmph. I am still mad at him. I can't let someone talk bad about my beauty queen and gets away with it! He should be punished!" Karamatsu said. You laughed at his overdramatic voice.

"You are such a drama queen, Kara. I don't need you to hurt your older brother. In fact, all I want AND need is you~ That is all. Just you and me." You said, cuddling even deeper. 

"Hm... You are such an amazing woman. I love you Y/N~ I love everything about you: your eyes, hair, lips, skin, voice,  smell, ears, hands-"

"Hold on, my smell?" You asked. 

"Yeah. You smell like flowers, perhaps roses. It is a nice scent you have. It's even addicting." He said, sniff your neck. You were giggled.

"Okay, what about my ears?" You asked him.

"Well, so I can nibble them. Like this." He says, before nibbling your ears. You were definitely tickilish. You couldn't help but laugh. 

"S-stop! That t-tickles! K-k-Kar-Karamatsu! Hahahaha!" You laughed. He stops and looks at you. His eyes were lid opened, as if he was about to fall asleep. He was truly in love with you. And you were in love with him. There was nothing that could seperate the two. And as the silence was filling the room, the two of you didn't realize how quick both fell asleep. It was all great. Warm, nice, and comforting. Especially for Karamatsu. Since he can hear your heartbeat. The same heart that loves his. The same one from his true love. 

(A/N: Hello. Sorry I haven't been posting. I have been busy with stuff recently. Please understand that this is only a hobby I have, as my work and family life is my main priority. Hopefully I can go back at writing more. Please leave any requests! I will try my best at writing them! Thank you for reading and May God bless you <3)

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