Captain of my Heart

136 5 1

Requested by Tsundere_doll_3642

Unknown artist

Merman! Karamatsu x Artist! Y/N

You were an artist. A muse. A beauty. At least, that's how the public sees you. You decided to go out to travel off somewhere new. Maybe find something to paint, something that will blow your mind. You get on a ship. It wasn't fancy, but neither was it old and used. It was a lovely brown ship. 

"Everyone! On board! We will be leaving now!" The captain said. You were all packed up and ready to leave the country. You were now heading off to sea. 

As the ship makes to the large ocean, you take out your equipment and get your paintbrushes ready. You wanted to paint the sea. It was really beautiful, compared to what you have seen in paintings. Nothing could be as near as how majestic it looked. This was the beauty of God. 

Time passed for a bit while, and soon you were almost done with the painting. Suddenly, you hear a splash. You tried to ignore once or twice, but you hear it again. You slowly stand up and get close to the edge. You look beyond the horizon. You see nothing. Then the splash is heard again. You see a blue tail. A very shiny blue royal fish tail. You kept an eye on it. You were amazed by the color it had. You rushed to your painting and quickly began to paint the tail. You wanted to add it to your landscape. You just knew it had to be there. You saw how the tail swiftly moves. It was satisfying. But what comes out strange is a head. 

You stop your painting and focus your eyes at the tail. You see something coming out, resembiling a head. You were astonished by it. You squint your eyes and see it's wet hair and arms wave. You were about to wave back until the ship begins to rumble. 

The ship shakes, causing you to fall on the floor. You look confused and notice the ship was sinking. Many of the guests and crewmates were panicking. So were you. You carefully stand up and look at the sea again, only to find out the creature was gone. Everyone was already gone to safety, but it was already too late for you. You fall into the ocean, and sink down slowly. 

You held your breathe and try to swim up to get more air. But it was useless. You began to lose conciousness. Suddenly, you feel something. Something on your lips. It leaves and your eyes slowly open. You feel yourself becoming light, gaining air. You feel yourself changing. Once your eyes fully open, you look at yourself. You see that you have a tail. A fish tail. 

"AAAAAHHHHHHHHH!" You screamed. 

"N-no no! Don't worry! I know it looks unbelievable, but d-don't be scared." A voice was heard. You look up to where the voice comes from. There was a man in front of you. A very attractive man. You look down at him, and see he also has a tail. You realize how shiny it was. And you remember clearly what it is. He was the one you were painting. 

"I-It's you!" You exclaimed.

"Pardon?" He asks confused.

"It's you! You were the one playing around in the sea. You were the one wavig your arms up and down and shaking your tail!" You said.

"Oh yes. I was trying to warn you guys of the giant rock." He explain.

"The r-rock? Oh no, you were warning us from- Oh gosh, I should have known!" You sighed. 

"S-sorry. I probaby should have been more direct. You humans seem really nice. I was scared so I didn't near." He said. 

"It's alright..I think it's better if you hadn't come near." You said.

"What do you mean?" He asks.

"If they saw a creature like you, they might have killed you." You said.

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