Fly and Be Free

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Credit to unknown artist

Requested by Tsundere_doll_3642

You were only 15 when you met him. You were the daughter of a noble clan leader, the L/N clan. You're clan wasn't exactly the most wealthiest, but it was above many. Each month, a wealthy family clan would come to visit. It was always about politics and economy. It was really boring for you. You were more into fantasy and poetry. You wanted to be like bird - fly free and fly away from this awful and boring place. You wanted somethnig exciting. Even though you were old enough to understand your own responsibilities, you still had bigger dreams. 

This one time, you decided to leave the house, while your parents were talking with another clan. You escaped through the window, knowing for certain not even your servants would notice. You rushed into the backyard forest. It was dark in there, but it looked awesome. You weren't afraid at all. 

You walked into the forest, wearing a katana, colored in (color), gradually satisfing the contraction of your soft (color) hair. You were really beautiful. You have been told many times by your parents. And there were sometimes strangers and boys who would say the same thing. Either by joking and out of kindness. You were kind and thankful to them, but it's not like appearances should be taken a big deal. You believed that beauty is in everything, even the darkest and scariest creatures. There is beauty, for God made everything good. 

You walk a little further into the forest and you hear the branches of a tree shake. You saw birds leave the tree by flying away from it. You noticed how some of it's green leaves fall on the ground. You were unsure what it would be. At first you thought it was the wind, but there was no wind in this fine morning. So you decided to get closer to the tree. 

You took careful steps so you wouldn't alarm whatever was in that tree. You noticed that the moment you were getting more closer, the leaves of  the tree shaked intensely. There is definitely something in there. Your curiousity grew to a dangeous level. You decided to climb up the tree to investigate. 

You climbed your way up, using one hand and foot at a time. Mid-way up, and something falls onto your nose. It was.....feather? Tickles, you needed to sneeze. You tried to hold it but you were unable to. "ACHOO!" You sneezed loudly. 

"AH! Don't get close to me! Leave me alone!" A voice said. You were shock to hear a voice. A human voice. It was a man. He sounded scared. You weren't sure how he got there but you guessed he was just climbing up the tree like you. So you kept climbing. 

"It's alright sir! L-let me help you." You said couragously. Once you made it up he branches, you sit on it and see where the voice came from. You saw the man....but you were taken by surprised. It wasn't any ordinary was.

"A tengu!" You gasped. He turns to you once he hears you say that. He reveals his terrified face, filled with horror and desparation. 

"P-please leave me alone! I beg you, don't hurt me!" He cried. 

"C-calm down. I have no intention to hurt you, sir. I just want to help you. You seem stuck." You said honestly. You saw that his foot was stuck onto a branch and he couldn't release it. His wing was also stuck to the branches of the leaves. He struggled to release himself, but he was running out of strength to do so. You carefully move to his side of the tree. He was startled by your jump. He did not know what you were about to do to him. 

"L-look! I brought a knife with me-"

"Are you going to stab me?" He nervously asks.

"No no no no! I am going to cut the branches so you can be free. It will take a while since the knife I brought isn't big enough." You explained. He still looked scared, but he looked into your eyes, and saw determination. You weren't exactly scary as he thought you were. You were actually really pretty. Too bad you were human. Tengu's aren't exactly meant to be with humans, as they are suppose to stay hidden from them for protection and power. 

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