God of The Sea

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Credit to artist Karamatsu Matsuno in Twitter (Twitter name: dxddymxtsu)

You lived in a smal island. You were the daughter of a chief. And as his daughter, you needed to get married. It was important for the bloodline to conitinue from one generation to another. The thing is, you never loved the man you were given. The man's name was Riku. His name means land in Kanji Japanese. You never really was fond of the man. In fact, you barely know him. But you have no choice. You were to follow every order from the chief. There was only 3 months left before the wedding day. Durig this time, they have allowed you to get along with Riku and have some free time. Because after that day, you were going to live under many responsbilites. You didn't like this at all. You wanted to be free. To be out there. And if it had to be involve with marriage, you wanted to marry someone you love. Not a stranger. 

Since you have some free time before going to bed, you decided to go to the beach. You sat on a rock, that was near the shore. You looked at the night sky, where stars were shining bright. It was quiet and peaceful. Until you sensed a pressence. It was a mysterious yet warm pressence. It was peaceful yet powerful. You didn't know what it was. You looked around to see if someone was there. No one. You shook your head, thinking it's your imagination. But as you shook, your flower pin fell from your hair. That flower pin was important, as if belonged to your mother. Not to mention the rumored about it.

The flower pin contained a special gem that could give you contact with the gods. It did have a gem, but you never felt anything or met gods before. So you didnt really think it was true. But one thing is for sure, if you lose that flower pin, you lose your mother's pressence. Your mother passed away. 

You jumped as soon as you heard it fall into the sea. You ran and dived into the ocean. You tried to look for it, but you couldn't find it. It was too dark. You felt like you were running out of air. You quickly tried to swim back for oxygen, but your clothes were weighing you off. And soon, you blackout. You lost consious. You could sense something warm still. That means you aren't dead.

Soon, you woke up. You were back on the shore. You were laying on the sandy beach. You sit up to see what happened. And as soon as your vision adjusts, you see someone. It was a man. He had fish scales around him, and golden triton. He also had long hair. You couldn't tell who he really was. 

"Oh! You are finally awake." He said.

"W-who are you?" You asked him

"Well darling, there is no need to be afraid. Do you not know who I am? I am the one who saved you. My beautiful ocean almost stoled your life, but I made sure you didn't lose it. So I brought you back to the surface. "

"Oh- oh, thank you. F-for saving my life." You thanked him. But then it hit you: the flower pin. "My flower pin! Where is it?" You asked yourself. The man could see your desperate expression. And saw you were on the verge of tears. So he walked closer to you. He puts his hand on your shoulder, and speaks to you with a soft voice.

"Don't worry. I have it. I knew you were looking for it. After all, it i very valuable. Just like your life." He said, giving you the flower pin. It was dry, even though it was in the ocean a while ago.

"Oh thank goodness. But how? How is it dry?" You asked.

"Well, I am the God Of The Sea. Anything that is water, I can control." He said, smiling.

".....wait....YoU'Re A GoD?!" You asked shocked.

"Yes! D-did you not know that?" He asks, slightly confused.

"I- Uh, I'm sorry your majesty." You said, bowing down to him.

"Oh no need to bow down my darling. I admire your respect, but there is no need. You have the Infinite Gem. Only those who have it can call us. You were needed to be helped and defended by the gods. I should be the one to bow down to you." He said. 

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