Pen Pal

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Credit to unknown artist!!!

Karamatsu has been feeling down lately. His whole dynamic and outgoing self is slowly disappearing. He found himself alone. He truly had no one to be with. He felt like he needed something. But he wasn't sure of what. So he went to search online. And he found an interesting thing. Pen pal letters. All he had to do is choose a random person and send letter to them. It sounded weird and an odd thing to do, but Karamatsu could care less now. He just hopes someone out their can be his friend. So he wrote a letter for a user with the name (Y/N L/N) from (country).

Dear Y/N L/N,

Greetings, I know this letter might come to you with an odd and confusing vibe. But I can promise you this is nothing but a pen pal letter from me. My name is Karamatsu Matsuno. I live in Japan, along with my parents and 5 brothers. Yes, I have quite a handful of them, we are sextuplets. What makes me different from them is perhaps my fashion and amazing looks~ But lately I have been feeling quite down, and lonely. i thoght making this letter would help me and make friends with you. I really hope to hear your thoughts about this. Please send back a reply soon. Thank you.

Sincerely, Karamatsu Matsuno

Karamatsu send the letter by mail. He hoped to see a reply from you soon. A few days passed, and no letter came. He was soon about to give up until one morning. 

"Hey Karamatsu! You have a letter from someone! Someone nam-named...L/N? Who's that?" Todomatsu asked. Karamatsu immediately stood up and took the letter. He was shock to see a letter from you. He quickly goes to the roof and reads the letter by himself.

Dear Karamatsu Matsuno,

I hope this letter arrives to you. I didn't expect someone to send me a letter. I live alone in (country). So I was pleased and very happy to see it. I read your letter. I say you are quite an interesting person. I feel intrigued of who you are. I would feel happy knowing that we can become friends. But I shall talk about myself as well. As you already know, I am Y/N L/N. I llive alone and have (?) siblings. I am known to be kind and smart. Of course, that's only from my family's point of view. But I hope to show you who I really m through each letter we sent. I hope to hear a reply from you, Karamatsu. I'll be waiting~

Sincerely, Y/N L/N.

And with that, Karamatsu didn't realize he was smiling. He was happy to read your letter. He quickly went back down and wrote you another. Weeks and weeks have passed since then. From pen pal letters to good friends. You shared a lot in common and had many interests. Both of you slowly began to fell in love. You have never met a man just like Karamatsu. And he never met someone like you before. Karamatsu wanted to meet you. He tried looking for jobs to get him money. Enough money to take a plane and visit you. But luck was not by his side. He was about to write another letter, confessing his feelings for you.

"Oi! Karamatsu! What are you doing?" Osomatsu came to the room. It was so sudden. Karamatsu was startled by Osomatsu's voice. 

"I- uhm...nothing." Karamatsu said. He has kept you and the letters in secret. He couldnt imagine how his brothers would react. He was too scared. 

"Nothing? Then what's with that paper and pencil you have? If you ask me, you seem to be writing something...weird." Osomatsu said.

"J-just a poem." Karamatsu stuttered.

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