La Karamatsu Fille

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Credit to artist umiushi666 (I think...) PLEASE GIVE THEM CREDIT!!!

Requested by Tsundere_doll_3642

A/N: It's been a while since I learned french but I will use what I remember for this chapter. I am sorry if I do a bad job at it lol.

You were relaxing and taking a small walk around the place. You have been lliving in japan for a while now. Today, you wanted to go to the park, where you can refresh yourself and feel the air. You wanted a break from the world. You sit down on a bench, close your eyes and let the wind caress your face. Everything was peaceful and quiet, until...

"Oh! My Karamatsu Gurls! I am here!" Someone shouted. You look to the direction it was heard from. In front of you, there was a mna with a dark jacket, with a skull on the back.He wore glasses and was holding a guitar. He looked quite weird, but somehow fashionable. At least, in your opinion. You see the man walk near a woman, who just leaves him. He looked anxious and sad, but kept his persona on act. Suddenly, he turns around to meet his eyes with you. You were startled by the sudden eye contact. It was embarrassing. He walks closer to you. You began to freak out. You wanted to run, but your legs didn't move. In fact, you couldn't move at all, not even a finger. So the man kept walking until he reaches in front of you. He leans down a bit, meeting his face with yours. He gives you a smile, and his glasses reflected the sunlight. 

"Hello my Karamatsu Gurl, was I too distracting?" He asked, trying to sound attractive. You blushed at his comment.

"Desole, I did not mean to stare at you so rudely." You replied to him.

"There is no need to apologize, m'lady. I understand that many just can't simply look away from the most attractive." He said. You wanted to laugh at him, but you were too polite to do that. "Would you like for me to play a song to you, m'lady?" He asks. You were about to say no, but you were also curious of how it sounds. 

"You may." You said. He sits down next to you on the bench. You moved aside, keeping some space between the two of you. You did not want to get near a complete stranger just like that. He began playing the guitar, reboucing the strings using his fingers. You were amazed by such talent. And just your luck, he was playing a French song. One that you hear in the streets, and in  the radio back at home. You were happy to hear it. As he played, you decided to sing it.

La Vie en Rose

Quand il me prend dans ses bras (When he holds me in his arms)

Il me parle tout bas (He speaks to me softly)

Je vois la vie en rose (I See life in pink)

Il me dit des mots d'amour (He tells me words of love)

Des mots de tous les jours (Words of everyday)

Et ça m'fait quelque chose (And it does something to me)

Il est entré dans mon cœur (He entered my heart)

Une part de bonheur (A share of happiness)

Dont je connais la cause (Of which I know the cause)

C'est lui pour moi (It's him for me)

Moi pour lui dans la vie (Me for him in this life)

Il me l'a dit, l'a juré, pour la vie (He told me so, swore it for life)

Et dès que je l'aperçois (And as soon as I see him)

Alors je sens en moi (Then, I feel inside me)

Mon cœur qui bat (My heart that beats)

Je vois la vie en rose (I see life in pink)

C'est lui pour moi (It's him for me)

Moi pour lui dans la vie (Me for him in this life)

Il me l'a dit, l'a juré, pour la vie (He told me so, swore it for life)

Et dès que je l'aperçois (And as soon as I see him)

Alors je sens en moi (Then, I feel inside me)

Mon cœur qui bat (My heart that beats)

He finishes playing the guitar, you stop singing. The two of you look at each other's faces, blushing red. Well, mostly him. You could clearly see his cheeks puffy red. He couldn't see you blushing, but you felt your cheeks warm nonetheless. You shyly looked at the ground, not wanting to make things more awkward. 

"That was amazing!" He said in a whisper. You raise your head and face him. Your eyes widen, amazed by his compliment. 

"You really think so?" You asked shyly.

"Of course! You have such an angelic voice! My oh my!" He kept complimenting, sharing his awe. You couldn't help but smile. "Where did you learn French?" He asks.

"Oh, I'm actually French." You told him. His eyes open wider. 

"That's amazing! You have good Japanese, but I love your French more." He complimented. At this point, you began to realize he was just a very friendly guy. At first he looked like an egotistical narcisisst, but now you see him as a kind person. You were growing a fond for him. 

"You play the guitar very well. Do you play very often?" You asked him.

"Oh yes. A lot actually. I practice on the roof of my house." He explained. You quirked an eyebrow, confused by his sentence. He notices it and chuckles softly. "My house has a roof you can walk on it. I sometimes go there to take in the air and play for my Karamatsu Gurls!" He explained. 

"Karamatsu Girls?" 

"Yes. All my fans!" he said.

"Well where are they?" You asked, sarcastically. You were sure there was none. 

"They are still hiding within their hearts. But I have finally sprouted one." He said. You looked at him confused. He leans in closer to you, and softly says. "You are my first Karamatsu Gurl~" 

You blushed at his soft voice. It sounded much more intimidating than his obnoxiusly loud one. You felt warm near his body. It felt welcoming. But you were being very cautious about it too. He moves back to his place, sitting straight up. 

"But since you are french, can I call you someway different? Perhaps a nickname?" He asked. You knew he was being playful and wanted to be good friends with you. Buy deep within you, you wanted to know him more and more. He is no longer a stranger to you. 

"Call me la Karamatsu Fille" You said.

"Oh, sounds amazing. I love your accent by the way." He complimented once more. "It was nice talking with you m'lady. But I must go. My brothers are waiting for my arrival." He said, as he stood up from the bench. "Will we see each other again at this same spot tomorrow?" He asks.

"Oui." You said. He smiled, knowing that meant yes. 

"I'll see you here then. Goodbye, la Karamatsu Fille." He said, with a strong Japanese accent. You giggled at it. As he walked away, you stood at your exact spot, seeing him fade.

"Au'revoir, mon ami~" 

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