𝒟𝓇𝒶𝑔𝑜𝓃 𝐵𝒶𝓀𝓊𝑔𝑜𝓊

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Your POVWalking through the peaceful forest of my home village in the shining sunlight, I smile as I go look for somewhere to hunt for food

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Your POV
Walking through the peaceful forest of my home village in the shining sunlight, I smile as I go look for somewhere to hunt for food. The leaves crunch underneath my feet, the wind howling in my face. I grip my quiver which holds my arrows and grab my bow with the other hand.

Suddenly I see scared birds flying away from their nests. 'I wonder what scared them away' I thought to myself, but the sound of my stomach grumbling made me forget about it and focus on hunting.

Soon enough I see a river up ahead, I walk there, take my bow and arrow and get ready to shoot at the first fish I see. 'Focus Y/n focus........!'.

I froze, a sudden noise caught my attention. Aiming behind me I shouted, "WHO'S OUT THERE?!".

The silence was my answer, yet I felt piercing eyes following my every move. My eyes darted to different areas of the forest as I started to panic.

Then suddenly from a distance, two pools of red appeared in a large bush up ahead, a low growl following after it, then emerges two large red horns with specks of gold at the top. A long blood-red snout comes out, showing its pointy razor-sharp teeth that could tear me apart in seconds.

I figured out what it was now.

' D-D-Dragon!!', I carefully put my bow and arrow behind my back as the rest of the terrifying and dangerous creature crawls out of its hiding spot. If it wasn't for its scary appearance and deadly features I would've thought it was the most extraordinary thing in the world, since they are rare around where I live. It crept slowly and silently towards me, bearing its teeth at me, so what did I do?

I ran for my life!

I jump into the river that reached my ankles and joined the overside of the forest and disappeared from the dragon's eyes. A thunderous mix between a roar and a growl scared the living daylights out of me, but I kept running. Loud thundering footsteps were trailing after me, but I didn't dare look back, or I would be dead meat, literally!

But as if God didn't like me today, I tripped over a branch, a stupid branch!

As I started to get up a growl interrupted my movements and made me freeze, slowly I turned around and came face to face with the dragon. "Oh shit"

I backed away from it and ended up with a tree to my back, blocking my chance of escape. I trembled under the dragon's eyes as it came closer and closer until it was a few inches away from my face. I didn't know what to do, so I closed my eyes and welcomed death with open arms, awaiting a gruesome way to go.

Yet it never came. I felt something wet on my face. I peeked my eyes open and saw that it was licking me. "What the hell?", it laid its enormous head on my lap and, believe it or not, started purring.

I stared at it confused and in fear of it was all just an act. Slowly I raised my hand and put it gently on its snout and started rubbing it, surprisingly it wagged its scaly tail and fluttered its wings.

A puff of gold-ish smoke appeared out of nowhere, I started coughing and felt the weight on my lap decreasing suddenly. As I opened my eyes a figure was sitting on my lap.

A man with the same red eyes as the dragon. The man however was not a man because it had wings, a tail and horns on its head. Pointy claws were on its hands and sharp elf ears and two pairs of long teeth came out of his mouth. His chest was bare but had scars and scales on it, and he wore some odd-shaped necklaces around his neck. A cape was on his back, covering half of his tail, and dark blue jeans and grey boots he also wore. His face was appealing as hell, but all I did was stare into his eyes with a blush on my face.

 His face was appealing as hell, but all I did was stare into his eyes with a blush on my face

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"Huh?" was all that came out of my mouth. The man before me smirked, revealing its non-human teeth and chuckled.

"Surprised mate?" he said in a deep voice that could hypnotise any woman........did I hear that right? Or did he say, mate?

"M-mate? Sorry but I don't f-follow" I slightly smiled in confusion at him. His smirk flattened into a small frown, but the smirk returned, he tilted his head and inched closer to my red face, his mouth right next to my ear, his hand cupped my cheek and said
"Your my mate, a dragon's mate"

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