𝒩𝑒𝓀𝑜 𝐵𝒶𝓀𝓊𝑔𝑜𝓊

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Normal POV 

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Normal POV 

It was like any other day for Y/n in the big city of Musutafu. The busy streets crowded with life, the sun blazing high, a small breeze moving the leaves away, it was paradise.

She wore an oversized black Marvel hoodie and some dark blue jeans, her hair up in a ponytail with some diamond-shaped earrings.

Today had been tiring at UA, with a lot of homework and a lot of hero practice with Aizawa. 

So after all that she decided to go get some food for her lard and boyfriend Bakugou. She got herself some Starburst sweets and got him some spicy chocolate she knew he liked, even tho he said he didn't he always ate it anyway.

Walking along the small road after being in the shop, Y/n was returning to the school dorms when she heard a ding in her pocket, she just got a text from her loving explosive boyfriend Bakugou.


Come to my dorm. NOW

Why what's wrong? Are u ok?

Just hurry dumbass. I'll explain when you get here.

Ok on my way. Got some food for you as well, that spicy chocolate you like :)

Yeah yeah, 🙄 just come on

This made different scenarios of what happened to him run through her mind. 'Was he ok?'
She walked a bit faster to UA and then went to the dorms. She took off her shoes and then was encountered by Midoryia.

"O-oh hey Y/n. How are you?"

"Hey deku, I'm good thanks. Do you know where Katsuki is?"

He made a small confused face.

"Kachaan? I think he's in his room, I haven't seen him, is he ok?"

"Yep just got some food for him here. See ya later"

She then took the elevator and arrived at Bakugou's floor, which so happened to be on the same as hers. She walked down the hall and reached his room. She knocked on the door.

"Katsuki? You there?"

She heard some shifting around the room and saw his shadow moving about under the door.
The door opened and she was pulled inside quickly. She heard the door lock.

"Jesus Kats, what the-"

She was now face to face with Bakugou, except he had some extra features now.
A tail and cat ears. The sight made her squeal in awe.

"OMG! You are so cute!!" She squealed in happened and tried to touch his ears but he batted her hands away

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"OMG! You are so cute!!" She squealed in happened and tried to touch his ears but he batted her hands away.

"FUCK OFF AND IT'S NOT CUTE!" He practically hissed at her which brought stars to her eyes, and he glared back at her.

His tail swished wildly and his ears twitched in anger, with his face turning red as a tomato.

After she calmed down a bit they sat down in his bed. Y/n got ahold of herself and sat criss-cross. "So how did this happen exactly?"

He looked pissed off at this and grumbled under his voice. "I can't hear you~" she said in her singsong vogue as she smiled mischievously at the cat-man.

"Some fucking kids thought it would be funny to mess around with their quirks, little shots targeted me!" His pupils turned into slits like real cats and his pointy teeth grazed together as he glared at the wall.

"And how long is it supposed to last I want it to last forever!"

She reached out to pet his ears and after a few scratches, he finally let her. He pouted but a purring sound was heard.

"Are you liking this Bakugou?" She asks teasingly.

"NO I DONT!" He yelled in her face.

"Are you sure because your purring tells me otherwise" she smiled at him.

He looked at her and then suddenly grabbed ahold of her arms and buried his face in her neck to cover his red cheeks.

"keep.....going" he almost whispered but Y/n heard it and kept scraping his ears as the vibrations of his purring bounced off her neck. 

"Your so adorable like this~" she whipped in his ear. His eyes widened as he jumped quickly out of his bed and turned around.

Y/n knew he was embarrassed and his face was red, it was clear as day.

"Don't lose your temper now kitty cat~" Y/n smirked as Bakugou's red eyes turned slowly turned towards her. He hissed at her.

"Don't fucking call me that!" He screamed at her as she stifled her laugh at the way his tail wagged rapidly.

"Ok ok sorry" she quietly laughed as he got off his bed to get some homework done.

'One more time wouldn't hurt right?' Wrong.

"Kitty" she whispered but he managed to hear it with new cat ears and pounced into her, she fell backwards with a heavy weight landing on top of her.

He started to bite her cheeks and tickle her sides as she laughed.

"N-no wait I-I'm sorryyy!" She choked out. 

He stopped tickling her but kept hitting and giving her kitten licks. He went from her cheeks to her neck to her hair. He hurried his face on top of her silky hair and stayed like that.

"Can you get off me your heavy" She tried pushing him off but he stayed out end when she did it again he added more weight, almost but not crushing her.

"This is what you get, now your my little cuddle bear"
"Yeah I guess that fair kitty~"

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