𝒱𝒶𝓂𝓅𝒾𝓇𝑒 𝐵𝒶𝓀𝓊𝑔𝑜𝓊 𝒫𝟤

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I closed the curtains, a firm grip still on the hockey stick, and made my way back to the comfy bed.

Only to be met with blood-like eyes piercing into my soul. A hauntingly grin took place of the moody expression.
"So......you must be her"

He stood there for some time. 

Just staring at me. 

I didn't move a muscle, too afraid to.

His eyes narrowed, and then took a step forward, I took one back.

"Who the fuck are you?" I whispered 

His blood-red eyes stood out in the dark room, and a pearly white fanged smirk appeared as he approach closer.

"The one and only Katsuki Bakugou, sweetheart"

"And how the hell did you get in here?" I asked, still holding my bat. 

I got backed up to the wall, and quickly his hands trapped me in between the wall and him. His face is very, and I mean very close to mine. 

He got the bat out of my grasp and threw it away.

"I'm a vampire, I have powers, and I'm practically invincible compared to you mortals. You connect the dots" he whispered next to my ear, his warm breath radiating off the shell of my ear. My cheeks reddened because of it.

"W-why are you he-!"

I was cut short when his cold lips touched my skin. 

Small kisses were prepped on my neck. My cheeks felt like they were on fire.

I tried to push him away but he quickly grabbed my hands and pinned them above my head. "Stay fucking still. I'm thirsty."

"So just get s-someone else's b-blood then!"

He chuckled and looked me in the eye, a hint of softness was seen in them. "Well you're my soulmate human"

And with that.......he kissed me!
I couldn't respond.
My brain stopped working.


In the end, he stopped and half smiled, half smirked at me. He grasped my chin with his free hand and tilted it up. His kisses on my neck turned rougher, and I felt the tips of his fangs grazing my fragile skin. 

I whimpered, he definitely noticed. "Calm your tits human. This will only take a second" Then it happened.....he bit me.

And it fucking hurt!

He was sucking out the blood like he was drunk with it.

I started to feel lightheaded, my knees turning weak. I didn't have the will to stop him anymore.

Eventually, as my vision was giving out to me he stopped. Blood ran down his chin as some ran down my neck, he dive back in and lapped it up until one or 2 puncture holes were left.

"Shitty hair saw his soulmate, the pink girl, and told me that a (H/C) was there. We, vampires, know how we meet our soulmates. I knew what shitty hair would see his and mine at the same time. And here we are"

I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Excuse me but I'm not just some prize to be won, ok? If you want me and my trust, then you have to earn their understanding"

He looked serious. "I'm not like that you nerd"

We suddenly ended up on my bed, thanks to his speed

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We suddenly ended up on my bed, thanks to his speed. He laid us down and cradled my head softly and kissed the top of my hair. 

I felt as peace as his body warmth surrounded me.

"I'm not going to treat you like some toy, your my mate. And I am going to get you, for as long as it takes. You got that dumbass, I'm not going to give up so easily on you"

I nodded. Sleep started to take over me, my eyes dropping slowly

He must've noticed and draped the blanket over us and cuddled each other. 

Even tho I just met the guy, I felt like I'd known him for years, it felt right.

"Aren't you gonna go now and sleep" I gazed up at his blood red eyes, and he stared back at my (E/C).

"I don't sleep. And I'm not leaving you when I just found you after 160 years"  I finally let sleep consume me.

"Wait you're HOW OLD?!"
"Just shut up and sleep, IDIOT!"

𝕂𝕒𝕥𝕤𝕦𝕜𝕚 𝔹𝕒𝕜𝕦𝕘𝕠𝕦  𝕆𝕟𝕖𝕤𝕙𝕠𝕥𝕤Where stories live. Discover now