C4 His chambers

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I couldn't stand waiting in my room any longer, I had paced since he left and my thoughts were poison to my brain. I had to know everything, why the lies and pretenses?
I made my way over to his room, I stood there for what felt like an eternity, my hand raised and hair flowing in the wind from the icy cold that made a dark shiver go down my spine and then I jumped at the door opening.

​​​​Our eyes met, his held so much sorrow, and then it happened, he pulled me in and shut the door behind me, slammed me up against the door. He wasn't wearing his typical armor but I grabbed his shirt and he frowned. "I told you to stay away." I smiled lightly. "I don't listen well. Why? Why the lies and pretenses?" He locked eyes with mine. "I have duties to my kind. I don't have to tell you anything else." He backed away a bit. "No, you don't but please..." I dropped my head down. "Just tell me if you're evil. I've been betrayed before by people close to me and I know we're not close but there's something about you.. I ju-" I was cut off by his hands trailing up my arms, sending warm goosebumps up my body. His hands traveled to my face and he lifted my chin up to look at him. "I'm not evil nor do I want to hurt anyone. You know... My kind frowns upon interracial couples. I used to think so too until I saw you." He placed his lips on mine and warmth spread through me, I bit his lip and he growled in response, he picked me up and brought me over to the bed, his kisses became more rougher and greedy but I didn't mind at all. I removed his shirt and I did the same to myself. I ran my hand over his stomach and upwards toward his face, taking in every aspect. "What are we doing?.." He said as I wrapped my arms around him, placing my forehead on his, looking into his eyes. "Everything." I kissed him softly and it grew hungry. It was wrong but felt so right. I didn't know if he was my enemy, my friend, or my undoing. I didn't care, I welcomed every touch, every aspect of him. He leaned down placing kisses on my shoulder all the way to my neck, I moaned. "Ancano.." His hands wandered down and gripped my cheeks as he lifted me in the air, his growing member poking against me which made a heat run through me and a small moan escaped my lips as I shivered from the mere touch. Never had a man touched me like this. He noticed and smiled at my shiver and ran his tongue over my neck before biting down. "A-ancano!" I let out a sharp gasp as my folds became slick. Heat raised in my cheeks from his touches and teases. He slid a hand up and around my bra before removing it, his hand went back to support my cheek and his mouth found my breast. He flicked his tongue up and down going back and forth between them. I moaned from the explicit pleasure I was receiving from him.
I woke up with a start, heavy breathing, and sweaty palms were all I felt. "None of it happened.." I whispered to myself and rubbed my eyes before groaning and laying back down putting the pillow over my face which felt hot. How could I dream of such a thing?... 

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