C5 His secrets

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During the morning hours I noticed Ancano is mostly busy with the archmage and being the sneaky person I am, I snuck into his room. It wasn't very large, the bed was in the middle of the room, perfectly made. There was a chest by the tall wardrobe and a few barrels.

It was as smaller than everyone else's room, it made me feel bad for him. However, I couldn't with what I already knew. I searched the tall wardrobe for journals or anything that would give him away. Nothing except altmer clothes... I checked the chest and found two journals, one was a report and the other was his personal journal. I put them into my bag where I usually kept ingredients. I lifted the blanket and pillow, and after I found nothing I gently and neatly put them back down. I then looked under the bed, it was too dark to see anything but I climbed underneath anyway and felt around, but to no surprise, there wasn't anything under the bed. I was about to climb back out when I heard feet shuffling and someone came in. I froze in place and scrunched up into a ball, hoping to not be seen.

My heart quickened, my palms became sweaty and I prayed to the divines that I was not caught. I heard whoever's feet it was slowly start to move and I clenched my eyes shut. Please go away... I prayed over and over again until I realized that someone called for Ancano to come here I heard a displeased sigh and then his feet shuffled out of the room. I slowly climbed out from the bed, peeking up to see no one was in sight and I dashed for my room. I sat down on my bed thanking the divines mentally as I took his journals from my bag. I picked the journal that said report, and I flicked through all of the pages, for the most part, the beginning of the journal was dull but as we got closer to the date of the eye of Magnus the pages became more in-depth of thought as he expressed his ideas and activity on the manner and then a report on me, the dragon-born as he titled it.

He had been following me, watching me closely, listing my activities as best he could. I hadn't even noticed and that was a lot coming from me. It made me angry and in my core, all I could feel was icy pain that stung. He wanted to bring me into the Thalmor for many reasons but number one being so that he could see what makes the dragon-born tick. I threw the journal in frustration, I knew I wasn't the number one target here. He or they in this sense would want the eye, to discover what dark secrets lay beyond its core. I couldn't let this happen. I wouldn't let this happen. Then I felt it, someone's eyes staring into me, a shadow starting to loom as they got closer. Arms wrapping tightly around my arms and chest restraining me. ''I don't know what you think you're going to accomplish by reading that or how you think I couldn't see you under my bed is beyond me but I do know that we're going to take a little trip down to the midden right now.'' Ancano's words were sharp and venomous in my ear as he kept his voice down so as not to alert the others who were either asleep or studying etc.

I nodded my head wanting to see how far he was willing to go and off we went to the Midden, he made me climb down first and then he followed suit. I just stared at him waiting until he forced me up against the wall, his hands holding my wrists up above my head in a cross position. ''Why?'' Was all I could say. ''Why?'' He said back and scoffed. ''Why what? Why am I with the Thalmor? Why would I betray the college? Why would I collect intel on you?''

I took a deep breath in and shouted in his face, my unrelenting force. He crashed hard into the wall behind him and fell to the ground, I took out bindings and wrapped his wrist up before he could do anything else. ''Why are you so damn arrogant? Because you're with the Thalmor who on more than one occasion sought my head? Or maybe you were just too cocky to think someone like me couldn't take on an elf. I'm not like the rest of these college students or anyone else for that matter. My mask is much bigger than your's elf don't you ever forget that.'' It felt like fire was running through my veins but it was just me being pissed off. I drew my ebony dagger and sat him upright while he was sitting, I sat myself on his lap, pressing the dagger to his throat, he said nothing and kept his eyes on me.

''Let me tell you something, I've been all over Skyrim even been to Solstheim. I've met all sorts of evil and good. From the insane to the courageous. I've taken on dragons, vampires, and werewolves. I came here for a break! Gods, it's just my luck that something like this has to happen. When I first saw you I knew that you were hiding something. I guess now I know that the Thalmor will never be trustworthy. You sneaky, conniving litt-'' My words were cut off by him moving the dagger away and gripping the back of my hair, and smashing his lips against mine. I was surprised that he could manage such a feat while bound. At first, I was reluctant but then I succumbed to him, closing my eyes and kissing back, I dropped the dagger and ran my fingertips threw his hair.

He broke away and looked at the floor like he had just committed taboo and he very well could have for all I knew. ''I hate the Thalmor but it's my duty and honor to serve them. I had my orders, I hate them but I have them, and you... You have been a plague on my mind. He balled his fist up and I just listened, what more could I do? ''I had no choice and still have no choice, my orders are clear, I am to use the eye myself to see what it can do.''

''You can't, it's unnatural. It doesn't belong in anyone's hands! It could kill you, and drive you mad.'' He took my hand in his since his hands were still bound. I picked up the dagger and cut the binds off. ''He looked sad for a moment. ''As if I could run away from the Thalmor, run away with the imperial woman who caught my eye and intrigued me ever since I laid my eyes on her, marry her, and have a few kids?.. No.. It's not in my cards... It is in yours but it's not for me..''

''Anca-'' The world went dark and cold as I fell off him, onto the stone ground. I woke up hours later, he was gone and the trap door leading to the midden was locked, I had to take the long way out through the cave and had to hurry back up to the college but when I reached the front entrance there we're magic anomalies surrounding the place and I knew, what he had done. 

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