C8 Aftermath

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We decided to live in my home in Falkreath and then decided to take the journey of 7000 steps to High Hrothgar. I introduced him to the grey beards and then to Paarthunax. The blades had wanted me to kill the old Dovah but I secretly refused and lied saying I had slain him. He continued to meditate on the words of power and I would come to visit. I wanted to introduce Ancano to him. Ancanos eyes were so big from delight I thought they might pop. Paarthunax stood right in front of us, I took Ancanos's hand and placed it on Paarthunax. "Oh.. erm.." He patted. "Magnificent." I smiled and he turned to me. "Let's get married." It caught me off guard. "What?" He nodded with a grin. "Let's get married." He said again and pulled out two rings, one a plain circle and one silver with a blue stone. "How did you have time to?..." He shook his head. "It was my mother and fathers. Knowing them they wouldn't approve of me marrying outside the altmer race but you saved me from going down the wrong path... From death... You saved me and I love you. I want to be eternally bonded with you for all time." I smiled as tears welled in my eyes. "I... yes. Let's get married." He smiled and twirled me around. We had the wedding there in secret and the grey beards traveled up, Paarthunax used an old dragon ceremony.

A bond of the souls. A bond to each other. My life felt complete.

When we decided to use my home I built near Folkreath, I had never really finished the house itself just made it livable. It took a month of building and running to different cities to grab more supplies. Eventually, we finished it. We already had the entrance area with furnishings which we gave to the carriage driver. Next was the hall which had a large table in it and a fireplace. The upstairs had two bedrooms, I used the one with the two twin beds for my steward and the bard I hired to fill our house with lovely music and the double for my house carl. In the back of the house was a storage area and then we added on a kitchen off the hall on the right down stairs and then on the left we added a master bedroom which somehow still felt empty. We had tables, wardrobes, a safe. What else was missing? We even added on a cellar that had a place for prayer and practice dummies. A place to smith as well in the back of it.
We had one outside as well, a stable for the horses. A lake nearby to fish. Plenty of forest to hunt. It was perfect.

A few months later and I came down with some sickness. I would be nauseated but Ancano would make some herbal tea which would cure it, most of the time anyway. Being with him away from the stresses of the world was amazing. We would go out on the balcony and watch the stars. We would go on walks in the forest. What could make this any better?

It wasn't long before I developed a bump and started showing. I was shocked but Ancano had taken a long walk that day. I was worried he wouldn't come back. I was worried I would never see him again. When he came back he had a wooden bassinet in his arms. My eyes had filled with tears as he sat it down beside our bed. ''Who did you have make it? And on such short notice too..'' I looked down at his worn hands with bandages on them. ''I didn't know you had the talent of a carpenter.'' He shrugged. ''It's nothing really...'' After that day I began knitting and sewing outfits for our child and blankets. We made a soft base for the bottom of the bassinet and added a white blanket that I had made from cotton.

It was the tenth of Suns Dawn when our baby was born. ''It's a girl!'' Cried my house-carl. After she had been cleaned up, I held her in my arms while Ancano sat next to me on our bed. ''What should we name her?'' He whispered next to me. ''How about... Arena?'' He was silent for a minute. ''I love it.''

A year later we had another and it was a boy. ''Arondil.'' I smiled as I cradled him in my arm and Ancano held Arena in his. ''Why do you always go for an A name?'' He turned to me and I turned to look at him. ' Because of you.'' I turned back to my baby boy and traced his small pointy ears. Both he and his sister had lighter skin than their father and smaller but still pointy ears. Their eyes were also a different type of yellow. It would be obvious when they get older that they are half-breeds. ''So.. I.. erm...'' Ancano's brows furrowed. ''What is it?'' I smiled. ''Do you... Want more children?'' He gave a small smile as he looked from his daughter to his son. ''Yes, yes I do.'' He placed a kiss against my forehead.

The end?

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