Slash (14) I'm Gay, He's Straight [boyxboy] END

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Jake’s POV

When I woke up hours later, still naked and outside the covers, I was shivering with the cold, Taylor’s semen had dried into a crusty icing across my abdomen, I was hungry and my hairline felt itchy from the now cooled and dried sweat. But I was wrapped tightly around a perfect sleeping boy and could not remember ever being so happy.

 ‘You awake?’ I whispered, leaning forward so I could see over his shoulder. His eyes were still closed.

‘Mmhm,’ Taylor mumbled, scrunching his face up for a second and then letting it relax. ‘What time is it?’

‘About half five,’ I answered, glancing at his alarm clock.

Taylor groaned. ‘My parents will be home soon.’

‘Should I leave?’


I couldn’t stop the smile that spread across my face, and I leaned down and nuzzled his ear, making him laugh.

‘We should get up before they get home though,’ he started, then paused, regarding his own crusty covering of dried cum. ‘And shower.’

‘Now there’s an idea I like,’ I whispered, running my hand lightly across his chest.

Taylor squirmed. ‘Stop,’ he whined. ‘That’s not fair. Come on, we smell like sex,’ he sat up and dragged me out of bed with him, padding naked down the hall to the bathroom, then shoving me into the shower and turning it on so I was hit by a spray of cold water. I yelped, and Taylor grinned, saying, ‘That’s what you get for trying it on again.’

‘Oh yeah,’ I said, stepping around the spray and grabbing him by the wrist, ‘we’ll see about that.’

I pulled his body to mine as the water warmed up and washed over us, and wrapped my arms around his waist to hold him close. He laid his head on my shoulder and hugged me back and we stood there for a while, just being. Just being together.

‘Major loss of sexy points that we genuinely need to wash,’ he muttered after a few moments, and we laughed and stepped back. Taylor grabbed some shower gel and I the shampoo. I was standing under the spray of water with my eyes closed, washing the last of the stuff out of my hair when I felt two arms snake around my waist and start massaging my chest and abdomen.

‘Correct me if I’m wrong,’ I murmured, ‘but didn’t you spray me down with cold water only a few minutes ago for less than this?’

Taylor rested his head on my shoulder and started nibbling on my ear lobe, making me lean back against him in satisfaction.

‘I’m just washing you,’ he said huskily, making me shiver involuntarily in anticipation. ‘Nothing suggestive about that.’

‘Oh I agree,’ I said. ‘But I don’t think my body does.’ My erection was growing steadily as he nibbled and sucked on my earlobe, his hands roaming across my abdominal and chest muscles. I reached one hand back and twined my fingers through his hair, pushing my hips back against his erection.

‘I think mine’s having trouble with the concept too,’ he murmured, resting his hands on my hips and pulling me closer. He slipped one hand off my hip and teased the top of my cleft with it; I had to hold back a groan. Taylor slipped a finger into my hole and then another, both going in a lot more easily than I had anticipated. I realised we were both unintentionally lubed up with shower gel, making his fingers slip easily in and out of me, causing my erection to grow and my knees to weaken. I half-fell forwards against the wall, resting my palms there to keep me upright as my legs threatened to buckle underneath me with pleasure – and he wasn’t even inside me yet.

Taylor reached around me and wrapped his hot, wet hand around my member, stroking it slowly. I whimpered, my hips bucking as I tried to make him move faster. I felt the tip of his erection against my butt and moaned.

‘Now, please, do it now...’

‘Are you sure?’ Taylor asked. There was concern in his voice and I realised I must have hurt him before, but he had me so sensitive and stimulated that I couldn’t think straight.

‘Now,’ I moaned again, my hips bucking, and Taylor slowly pushed inside me. I felt my face screw up in pain as I was forced open and held back a yelp; I didn’t want him to stop.

‘Are you okay?’ he whispered when he was halfway in and I nodded; he pushed further until he was fully inside me and as soon as he hit my prostate all pain receptors were abandoned in favour of pleasure ones. I gasped as Taylor continued stroking me and thrusting into me; I heard him moan in pleasure as my ass muscles tightened around his dick. One of his hands was grasping my chest and he accidentally ran his thumb over one erect nipple. That was all it took; in conjunction with his stroking and stimulation of my prostate, I came all over the shower wall. My muscles proceeded to tense and relax rapidly as the orgasm ran through my body, and Taylor came a second later as the sensation of my pleasure travelled through his body. My forearms were holding me up against the slick shower tiles at this point and Taylor put his hands on my shoulders, turning me around and pulling me towards him so our wet bodies collided. Our arms wrapped instinctively around each other and held on tightly.

‘I’m sorry,’ Taylor whispered, ‘did I hurt you?’

‘No,’ I answered, and it wasn’t even that much of a lie; it had only hurt for a few short seconds. ‘The shower gel...’ I explained weakly.

‘So much for showering,’ Taylor joked after a few moments. ‘We still smell like sex.’ His head was on my shoulder, and mine on his, and I could feel him grinning against my neck.

‘Hey Taylor,’ I said suddenly.


I took a deep breath. ‘Will you be my boyfriend?’

There was a pause, and Taylor pulled back to look me in the face. His eyes were shining and he was smiling a huge smile.

‘About time! Yes! I love you, I love you,’ he threw his arms back around my neck and squeezed so he had to stand on the balls of his feet.

I laughed. ‘Good. I love you too, I love you too,’ I teased.

Suddenly there was a noise from outside the shower. We both froze and looked towards the door, where we could make out the blurry outline of a head.

‘Taylor?’ his mom’s voice asked, then, ‘Arghhhh!’

Taylor jumped backwards and pulled open the shower door, sticking his head around it. ‘Um. Hi mom.’ Pause. ‘There was a spider in the shower and... Jake was helping me... Cos you know I’m scared of them...’

It wouldn’t even have worked if Taylor really was scared of spiders.

h‘Um,’ his mom said, and then the door shut and we were alone again. Taylor and I looked at each other, wide-eyed, then burst into hysterical laughter.

‘A spider?’ I asked, gasping.

‘I didn’t hear you coming up with anything!’

‘I’ll never be able to look at your parents in the same way again.’

‘I have to live with them!’

‘A spider... Oh god.’ I was still gasping for breath. ‘I love you Taylor Hannon.’

‘Oh shut up. I love you too.’


Hi everyone :) I know I don't usually include notes like this but since this is the final chapter of IGHS I thought I'd just say thanks so much to everyone who's read it and liked it, commented and voted :) And for anybody who's interested, I'll be posting the sequel within the next couple of days, which is called Kiss Me Like You Did :)

I'm Gay, He's Straight -SERIES- [boyxboy]Where stories live. Discover now