*Kiss Me Like You Did* IGHS Sequel {13} Slash

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‘My place or yours?’ Taylor asked coyly, sneaking up behind me and slipping his arms around my waist, resting his chin on my shoulder.

‘Are you two always on?’ Noah demanded, crossing his arms. ‘It’s like you’re going for Couple of the Year award or something.’

‘You should have seen them two years ago,’ Kelly grumbled, scowling, but I knew she was joking. Mostly. ‘They couldn’t keep their hands off each other.’

‘Anyway, that’s not what I meant,’ Taylor interjected, before I could say anything to my twin. ‘I mean, for this summer. Are we spending it in California or Ireland?’

I turned around to face him, surprised. Several sceptical thoughts were running through my mind, but all I could manage to articulate was, ‘What?’

It was May, and while the looming exams were weighing heavily on everyone’s minds, I was definitely more dejected about the impending three months I’d have to spend away from Taylor. The sadness was only worsened by the fact that Taylor hadn’t seemed to be even thinking about it. Now, it was clear why. He assumed we’d be spending it together.

‘Dude,’ Kelly elbowed me. ‘Choose Cali. Then I can come with you.’

I wrinkled my nose. ‘Ryan will be in California.’

‘So we’re going home?’ Taylor asked, excitement shining in his eyes. He hadn’t been back to Ireland in almost two years. He bounced a little on the spot.

I laughed. ‘Well yeah, I guess. I mean, if you’re okay with that. And your parents.’

‘They’ll be fine. How about we spend a couple weeks with them after the exams and then take the rest of the holidays at home?’ After two years, it was weird to hear him still referring to Ireland as “home”. But I liked it.


‘This is gonna be so much fun,’ Kelly gushed, her bad mood evaporating at the thought of spending two weeks of June in the Golden State.

‘Who said you’re invited?’ Taylor teased, linking his hand with mine naturally as he did so. I smiled.

‘Taylor, Jake and I are twins,’ Kelly explained in a pseudo-expert tone. ‘We die if we’re separated. Right Jacob?’ she asked, turning to the other twin with her eyebrows raised. Jacob, not used to any sort of attention from Kelly – who was still oblivious that he’d been crushing on her since last September – choked on his own spit and proceeded to turn red in the face as he gasped for breath and failed to form words.

Kelly turned her attention instead to Johnny, who was standing beside Noah, grinning at his brother. Right Johnny? Kelly signed instead, having become almost as adept at the language as the rest of us since Taylor and I got back together. Johnny nodded, grinning.

‘Are you okay?’ Kelly asked Jacob, frowning, when it became clear that he was still struggling for breath a few moments later. ‘Here.’ She handed him her bottle of water, which he gazed at with a vague reverence before taking it and chugging the whole thing.

‘I’ll buy you a new one,’ he said hoarsely when he’d regained control of himself.

‘Don’t worry about it,’ my sister said nonchalantly, and the rest of us winced slightly. Way to shoot a guy down.

‘See?’ she said to Taylor, resuming her conversation. ‘And anyway, you know you love me.’

Taylor sighed, defeated. ‘You’re right. I do. I’m only with Jake as a ploy to get closer to you.’

Hey!’ I cried. Elbowing him. ‘Not cool!’

‘Your place or mine?’ Taylor asked, tilting his head in that cute way he has.

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