*Kiss Me Like You Did* IGHS Sequel {04) Slash

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Taylor’s POV

I was staring in complete shock at the two people across the room, who were wearing twin expressions of wide-eyed stupefaction. I felt my heart rate slow right down and my vision start to tunnel as I focused on the person leaning against the pillows. He looked like he was about to be sick. He looked like he already wassick. What had happened to him? He looked so different...

 ‘Baby?’ Ryan’s voice broke worriedly through the rushing in my ears and I tore my gaze away from Jake’s ice blue eyes. ‘You okay?’

 ‘I...’ I started. ‘I...’ My knees buckled, and Ryan immediately went in action. He moved me quickly over to his bed and pushed me down gently but firmly, then went to his bag, where he kept a stash of my meds in case anything like this ever happened. I was starting to hyperventilate on the bed, going into a full-fledged panic attack. My heart rate was speeding up again to the point where I was having palpitations and I clutched at my chest, gasping for breath. Time seemed to slow right down and I saw everybody in the room rush towards me, though it happened in slow motion.

He pulled out the right pills and a bottle of water, calmly sitting beside me and forcing the tablet into my mouth, then lifting the bottle to my lips and tipping my head back so I could swallow. Slowly my vision started to clear as the drug took effect and I let my hands drop to my lap as my heart rate regulated and my breathing slowed.

I was starting to feel sleepy.

Ryan stroked my hair and laid me back on his bed, knowing I would be knocked out for a good twelve hours, and I felt him removing my shoes and pulling the blankets over my body. I struggled to sit up, stay awake, find out what the hell was going on, but the medication was numbing my brain and it was a battle to keep my eyes open. I heard Kelly and Jake demanding to know what had happened, what Ryan had done to me, but he shushed them. Seconds later, I surrendered to the blackness.

Jake’s POV

Kelly and I bolted off the bed at the same time, scrambling around discarded bags and boxes towards where Taylor was now being force-fed some pills by the other guy. I ignored my reflex to slap the pill out of Taylor’s mouth; this wasn’t like the last time, it wasn’t a drug. Taylor obviously knew the guy. As much as it broke my already shattered heart to think about it.

 Taylor was clutching his chest and struggling to breathe, his face turning red as his pupils dilated. The other guy pressed a water bottle to Taylor’s lips and he swallowed, the symptoms of his panic attack beginning to subside almost immediately.

‘What’s happened to him?’ Kelly demanded, looking at the guy Taylor had come in with. I could hardly drag my eyes away from Taylor’s now sleeping form, he looked so relaxed and carefree, the polar opposite to his expression only minutes earlier.

‘What did you give him?’ I demanded, turning around to face the other boy. I could feel something weird happening in my chest, I was feeling stronger than I had done in over a year. Kelly glanced at me quickly and then returned her attention to Taylor’s friend; she must have noticed it too.

‘It’s just his medication,’ the guy said uncomfortably. ‘I’d rather not talk about it,’ he added, ‘since it’s none of your business.’

I could feel my jaw clenching; who did this guy think he was?

‘What are you all doing in here anyway?’ he asked, turning towards Evan and the others questioningly, who were gathered around closer to us now too. Everyone seemed concerned about Taylor, though they didn’t even know him. ‘How did you get in without a key?’

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