Slash (10) I'm Gay, He's Straight [boyxboy]

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Jake’s POV

I sat in the back of the car with Kelly, feeling slightly turned on – it was pretty hot when Taylor took control – but I knew it was neither the time or the place and tried to force myself to think straight. No pun intended. My mind kept drifting back to Jenny and everything that had just happened though. I was more confused than I’d ever been in my life, including the time Taylor turned up at my house that one Friday evening, as expected, but had randomly and for no reason bought me a chocolate fish that morning after the dentist and gave it to me in my room. ‘I didn’t see you all day and I was thinking about you,’ he’d shrugged, and I realised I had feelings for him.

 I mean, I’d been with Jen for two years. Two years. How long had she been cheating on me? Was it as long as I’d been wanting to break up with her for Taylor? Why did I feel so betrayed, when I had him now? Was he going to cheat on me too? Was he just using me too? What the hell had happened to Jenny to make her so fucked up? She was like a kid from a horror film, so calm and innocent in her own mind, but manipulative, malevolent, and self-serving in the real world.

 Kelly nudged me. I was sitting by the window and to my initial annoyance she’d chosen to sit in the middle. ‘So I can see where we’re going,’ she’d argued when I tried to push her towards the other window as Taylor started the car and reversed out of the De Silva-Hancroft driveway.

 ‘You okay?’ she asked in a whisper, and my eyes flickered involuntarily towards Taylor to make sure he hadn’t heard.

 I nodded, but Kelly gave me her sceptical look. Kel can read almost anyone pretty well – look how she’d distrusted Jenny from the very start – but she’s especially good at reading me, and even though it would be clear to a blind man that I was upset, I knew she instinctively knew all the reasons why. She slipped her hand around my waist and laid her head on my shoulder, giving me a squeeze. I suspected we’d be having a Serious Talk later.

 ‘Do I take a right or a left up here?’ Taylor asked glancing in the rear-view. He frowned when he say Kelly’s arm around me. ‘Are you okay?’

 ‘Yeah,’ I said, scrambling around for an excuse.

‘I’m a bit shaken up,’ Kelly said, taking her head off my shoulder. ‘That was really scary.’

‘Tell me about it,’ Taylor muttered, taking a left despite not having received an answer. ‘I thought I’d go flying through the wall when he hit me, he’s huge.’

‘I can’t believe you stabbed him with the leg of a chair,’ Kelly said, then giggled. Taylor grinned, then laughed, then so did I, and soon we were all crying tears of hilarity and the image of Taylor stabbing Peter Hancroft with a six inch nail on the head of a Sheraton chair leg. It was the comic relief we needed as the tension of the last horrific ninety minutes drained out of our systems.

We sobered up just as the sculpted top of the airport came into view over the horizon and suddenly we were pulling up at the drop-off area. Taylor pulled to a stop and we all jumped out of the car.

‘Okay Kel,’ I said as we ran towards the sliding glass doors. ‘You go find a security guard and tell them what’s going on. Taylor and I will try to find Hancroft and Jenny.’

‘Why do I have to find a security guard?’ she whined as we approached a large sign with labels and directions. ‘I’ve been waiting to punch Jenny the longest, and besides, neither of you would be allowed to.’ A bit shaken up, my ass.

‘Just do it,’ I growled, shoving her in the direction the sign said the security office was. I grabbed Taylor by the wrist and pulled him towards Departures.

I'm Gay, He's Straight -SERIES- [boyxboy]Where stories live. Discover now