Slash (7) I'm Gay, He's Straight [boyxboy]

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Jake’s POV

I grabbed Taylor’s hand, more confident than I probably should have been that this would all work out. I was distracted from the heavy reality of the situation by small, wonderful thing like how my hand tingled with electricity when it touched Taylor’s, and how my heart felt ready to burst with happiness that I was, finally, holding the hand I wanted to hold. I’d spent so long thinking that being with Taylor was impossible and ridiculous, discovering that it wasn’t only possible but meant to be was incredible, like what ordinary people would probably feel if they discovered that read minds or do magic or fix world hunger or something.

 So when I said, ‘Come on, it’ll be grand,’ I probably wasn’t exactly thinking straight, given that my mind was four parts Taylor, four parts euphoria, two parts reliving that kiss on the bed... And no parts logic and rationality.

 I dragged Tay out of the room, followed closely by the others, who were probably about to become the romantic equivalent of serial killer groupies, watching in fascination as Jen tore us a new one in my own kitchen.

 When we got there, I gulped. I am not particularly scared of Jenny, but I really don’t like the idea of hurting her, on top of which, anything she might do to me afterwards would be fully deserved.

 But it wasn’t the anticipation of this that made me gulp. No, it was the fact that Jenny was stomping across and back the kitchen, muttering under her breath and clenching her phone in her hand. She was barefoot and wearing only her pyjama shorts and a cami, her hair tossed up in a messy ponytail on her head, but she has never looked scarier.

 She rounded on all five of us, standing hesitantly in the door way. Still feeling more protective of him than I perhaps needed to be, I stood slightly in front of Taylor, who scowled but let me.

 ‘I can’t believe this,’ she muttered, shaking her phone in our direction for some reason, and I flinched, expecting it to be launched across the room at me. ‘I actually can’t fucking believe this.’

 I could sense Kelly and the other shuffling awkwardly behind us, and Taylor squeezed my hand in reassurance.

I opened my mouth to say something, but Jenny got there first. She didn’t even seem to be paying that much attention to me, too caught up in own anger to focus.

‘How stupid do you have to be?’ she demanded, looking at me in the eye for the first time. ‘I mean, seriously.’ More pacing. ‘How stupid? You’d have to be quite spectacularly, astonishingly, astronomically stupid!’

That was taking it a bit far, I thought. I mean, she had slept with my sister, and I didn’t get that angry. I hadn’t even slept with Taylor, yet.

I thought about meekly suggesting that she calm down, but that only ever makes people more angry, so I decided against it, and kept mum. Maybe if I let her wear herself out now it would be less upsetting for everyone later, when I started to apologise.

‘I swear to fuck,’ Jenny went on, which was an indication of her precise level of anger, as she doesn’t swear, ‘I will kill her.’

Her? But Taylor wasn’t a girl. What?

‘Who?’ I asked, finding the courage from somewhere.

Jen rounded on me again. ‘My mother! Who do you think!’

I frowned, but Jen didn’t notice, because she was now looking in confusion at Taylor and my clasped hands.

‘What’s she done?’ I asked.

I'm Gay, He's Straight -SERIES- [boyxboy]Where stories live. Discover now